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December 10, 2024

Manon De Roey

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Manon, to walk away after six days now here in Mobile, how do you walk away from today?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, super happy how I played all week actually and I am happy we finished. So, yeah, I mean, very happy with everything that I did this week.

Q. What does it mean to be back out on the LPGA Tour next year?

MANON DE ROEY: Yeah, I'm super excited. I mean, it was a bit tough the first time I came out, but I feel like I'm more prepared now and have more of a plan in place.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to next year.

Q. What are you most proud about this week?

MANON DE ROEY: Just to stay patient out there with the weather and just I mean, I know I had to make a lot of putts this week. Just creating some chances. I feel like I stayed very positive all week, even with the delays and stuff, so, yeah, I'm very proud of myself.

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