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December 10, 2024

Adela Cernousek

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Adela, to be able to gain LPGA Tour status coming out of today, just how are you feeling after today's final day?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: Super excited. I can't believe it. It was so stressful this week and really long week. Yeah, just very excited. Yeah, just crazy.

Q. You were on the bag by yourself today. Assuming Dale went home after the suspension.

ADELA CERNOUSEK: Yes, he had a surgery that was scheduled for a while, so he actually went to reschedule it and I was like, no, please don't. In case we play tomorrow he would fly back tonight and I was like please, no, no, no. You have to take care of yourself.

Yeah, he's having surgery right now.

Q. We talked to Julia who did the same thing as you coming out of qualifying turning professional, making that choice. We talked about it earlier this week. When you kind of look at what you've been able to do over the last five days, how do you feel about your game and what are you most proud of?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: I mean, I've been working really hard, so I'm just really happy that it's paying off because this has been like the most stressful week of my life.

So it's just like really cool that like -- I mean, it was a hard decision to turn pro or not to because I really enjoy college and my team and everything. So I'm just really happy I was able to make it and, yeah, everything pays off I think so I'm really happy.

My long game was really good this week I would say.

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