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December 10, 2024

Benedetta Moresco

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So officially heading back to the LPGA.


Q. How does it feel to kind of get back to the LPGA, this time with full status and being able to have your second year out there?

BENEDETTA MORESCO: You know, it's an amazing feeling. I told my caddie on the green, whatever we feel this year, whatever we experience lead us to this exact moment.

So I'm very happy to experience it and be back on the LPGA. That's my dream since I was a kid, so super happy.

Q. Kind of talk about the experiences from last year, your rookie year, and how you'll take the good and bad over into this year.

BENEDETTA MORESCO: Absolutely. My rookie year was a lot of ups and downs. I learned a lot along the way, especially playing with such great players. I learned the importance of rest, the importance of still working on your swing, still being on top of your body and everything.

So definitely take it into next year in 2025, and super happy to do it on the LPGA.

Q. Anything you're really excited for next year on the LPGA? Is there a certain tournament, certain location, anything you're excited for?

BENEDETTA MORESCO: You know, I'm excited for the whole year. Every tournament is going to be great.

I love the California stretch and also the Florida one, so very, very excited for everything actually.

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