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December 10, 2024

Caley McGinty

Mobile, Alabama, USA

Magnolia Grove Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Caley, been meaning to talk to you the last couple days here. Obviously this is your first final qualifying if I'm not mistaken.

CALEY McGINTY: First time through Q-School.

Q. Just in general coming out today, to be 7-under overall, especially after a suspension of play, what was your mindset going into today?

CALEY McGINTY: I just really tried to just focus on staying present where I was, and I feel like I've had a lot of situations this year where I've had weather delays and stuff like that. Playing at Ohio State we're in a northern climate, so used to dealing with weather situations.

I just told myself that the best way to deal with it is just be myself and try not to play outside of myself kind of. So it served me well, yeah.

Q. You're one of the few to start at pre-qualifying and to make it all the way through five rounds here at final qualifying, what does this mean to you in your golf journey as you step outside the green?

CALEY McGINTY: It's like I can't even comprehended it. Like it makes me very emotional because I didn't think I would be here. So, yeah.

I was so scared I wasn't going to make it through so to be here it's just crazy in the first place, and then to have a good round my third round and to potentially get my Tour Card first time round is like insane.

I'm not good at speaking, but, yeah, that's all I got. I just can't believe it.

Q. Who did you have on the bag this week? Kind of overheard you say I think you've changed my life here.


Q. Just in general, what has this final qualifying experience been like for you?

CALEY McGINTY: I met him in July (Wind interference.) Wasn't very good; I kind of had couple setbacks and didn't have a very good last semester of college, so having not finished my amateur career how I wanted I was kind of nervous about turning pro.

(Wind interference.)...was teaching me course strategy and he's just really helped me believe in myself. He was able to change his flight so he could caddie the rest of the round today, so just means the world that he would be able to make it here with me.

Yeah, so we met a couple months ago but it's been great.

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