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December 8, 2024

Mario Cristobal

Orlando, Florida, USA

Camping World Stadium

Miami Hurricanes

Press Conference

MARIO CRISTOBAL: Thank you for having me and thank you to Florida Citrus Sports for the incredible opportunity to play an excellent football team and a culture. Clash of two top 20 teams. And, again, a lot of respect for Coach Campbell and his team and certainly the opportunity to compete and play and give our guys an opportunity to do something that hasn't been done in Miami in a long, long time.

Q. You've got a chance to win an 11th game for the first time since 2003 here in this game. How much does that opportunity mean to you and the program as you look ahead to the bowl?

MARIO CRISTOBAL: We've been working hard to continue to get the program together and progress. This being our third year, we've gone from five, to seven, to a 10-win season. It's different for Miami. It's only been done in the last 20 years twice.

And now we have a chance for 11 against a team that's also fighting for No. 11 and an opportunity to do it for the first time in their history as well. The intensity will be high. Both teams really want this. And the competition and the caliber of athlete and player on the field is going to be awesome.

So it means a lot to ourselves. And I'm sure it means a lot to Iowa State as well.

Q. You go from five wins in year one to seven wins in year two to now 10 this year, what can you talk about the progress that's been made with your team over the past few seasons?

MARIO CRISTOBAL: We're not satisfied. We want to win every single game. We won 10. We were close on the other two but close isn't good enough. We want progress. We're hungry and driven to get better. And so that's what our focus is on, to improving as a football program, to getting better, to moving into the postseason with an opportunity like this against a great football team like this and putting our best on the field.

Q. Can you summarize what you were feeling when you saw the bracket and just the disappointment of not getting in? To spin it forward, could you address also, do you look at this as like the end of '24 or the start of '25 in a lot of ways?

MARIO CRISTOBAL: Our focus on everything, regardless of the bracket or whatnot, is to go win our next game. I think everyone that doesn't get in feels disappointment. But more so we feel the onus of just doing better. Just do better. Go forward. Have an opportunity to get better.

This is both; this is the ending of '24 and the beginning of '25. This is the last opportunity to be on the field and carry some momentum into the offseason. It is in essence, it's the most important game because it's the next game.

There's a lot of excitement in the form of opportunity for our guys. Our guys love to play football, and the chance to play one more time with this special group -- this is a special group of guys now. They've worked really hard to really change the trajectory of the University of Miami. And they want to continue to elevate the status and the culture at the University of Miami.

Certainly a ton to play for. We're looking forward to the opportunity.

Q. Unfortunately, we've seen a lot of opt-outs over the last many years. I'm wondering if you've had conversations yet with your players to get an idea of who will be playing in the game. And, I guess, I think people probably want to know about Cam Ward.

MARIO CRISTOBAL: I'm sure people do. Again, we worked hard at culture here. It has improved tremendously over the last few years. I feel we have a group that wants to play, that is excited to play. Certainly if there was any news, I would get that to you guys. But feel really strongly about that opportunity.

I think it's important that our guys, anyone playing, and closing out the season understands the importance of that next step for a program like ours. I think our guys do. I'm looking forward to getting on the field with our players.

Q. Wanted to ask you over the next three weeks how you guys are going to be handling things. Obviously you've got the transfer portal you've got to deal with, the extra practices you guys will be getting. Just how do you balance the time between looking to the future and getting guys ready for what's right in front of you guys?

MARIO CRISTOBAL: You dedicate the same amount of time you always would throughout the course of the year. You have to realize that as a coach your day is, it's already long but it's that much longer, but you don't compromise either.

I want to be really clear about that. The opportunity to play in the postseason is an honor that is earned. And I always want to treat that as such. And I think that's important for the University of Miami and everyone associated with the University of Miami to understand that earning a chance in the postseason is something that is earned and that has to be approached with absolute professionalism and eagerness to do really, really well.

At the same time, certainly the other moving parts of building and continuing to progress in college football revolves around recruiting, revolves around the portal, both your players and players that are going to have opportunities to come to the University of Miami.

It doesn't stop. You just stay the course. We've always been a very driven, hardworking program, and that's not going to change. As a matter of fact, it will be upped and amped up even more.

Q. This will be the first-time match-up between Miami and Iowa State. What do you know about the Cylcones? Or what has your research to this points evolved?

MARIO CRISTOBAL: Excellent football team. A lot of respect for Coach Campbell. I think offensively they're one of, maybe one of the teams that have two 1,000-yard receivers. They're really explosive on offense. And they've always played great defense. I believe they're a top three or four passing defense in the country. Very disciplined, very hard nosed, very tough and very physical.

It's exhibited in the fact I think they're the least penalized team in the country.

And they bring it. They bring a lot of energy and effort and bring a lot of hats to the football. Just a very well-coached, very talented football team.

Q. In the same vein as Jordan's question, how valuable are these bowl practices, especially for guys who maybe didn't get a chance to play much during the season? How valuable is this season to get the extra practices in, even whether or not they play in the bowl game or not?

MARIO CRISTOBAL: It's extremely valuable. You really don't have many opportunities throughout the course of the year. The time is limited more and more each season with your student-athletes.

I think -- again, I want to state this and be very clear -- it's very important, ultra important, for the University of Miami to continue to develop and grow and progress by stressing the importance of offseason opportunities.

It's been a minute before these opportunities have been taken advantage of in a positive manner, and this needs to be that.

You learn a lot about your team. You learn a lot about your people and your program, when you head into the postseason.

I know it's important to a lot of guys. I know our guys, they want to finish the right way and they want to begin the next season in the right way.

A game like this encompasses both, especially against a great team like Iowa State.

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