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December 6, 2024

Ben Campbell

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You want it on moving day. Obviously such an important tournament for you. That was always the goal, wasn't it? Did you have to play quite aggressive?

BEN CAMPBELL: Not much changed, really. I feel like I've been playing decent the last couple days and just throwing in the odd mistake. Today just got off to a good start, hit a couple close early on and that.

The game felt good. I think there's a couple things that I want to go and have a good little range session this afternoon. The game's feeling really close. I think it has been. Yeah, much the same tomorrow.

I feel like I hit a lot of good putts in the last five or six holes and had a couple lip out. Wasn't far away from a really low one.

Q. This is getting you almost warmed up for LIV with the music and stuff?

BEN CAMPBELL: I like the music. It's good.

Q. Obviously you're third in the rankings. Today is a very important day for yourself. God knows by the end of the round where you'll be. If you do similar to what you did today, you could end up winning in the rankings?

BEN CAMPBELL: Peter's a great player, so you know you've got to -- to me I've got to really try to go out and win this tomorrow.

Not much is going to change. You've just got to hit the greens, fairways to greens, and try to hole a few putts. It's obviously going to be hopefully a good round tomorrow.

Q. Did you have that in the back of your mind or just try to feel like you're grinding?

BEN CAMPBELL: It's always in your mind there. You show up tomorrow, and either it's going to be good or it's not. You prepare as well as you can and you try your hardest, and if it's good enough, it's good enough.

Q. How do you like Riyadh Golf Club?

BEN CAMPBELL: It's good. I think it suits my game. I was probably a little bit disappointed with where I was sitting after two rounds. I felt like I played some good golf, and a couple of really soft bogeys in that.

Yeah, I think it's good. It's squishy for me. It's not a crazy long course, so someone of my length, I can still stay competitive.

I'm hitting some really good iron shots. Yeah, it should be exciting tomorrow.

Q. How would you sum up the season for you? You've got one more round tomorrow and obviously Promotions next week as well.

BEN CAMPBELL: It's been a great year. I've taken away a lot from the year. I've learnt a lot. Not so much learnt a lot, but it's given me a lot of confidence this year, spending time around LIV, being around some of those players. Picked up on a couple little things and that.

No, I think especially the last two or three years it's been trending the right way. I found a swing that my body seems to like a little bit more and playing some really consistent golf. It's nice when you're sort of feeling like you're there or thereabouts.

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