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November 26, 2024

Hubert Davis

Lahaina, Hawaii, USA

Lahaina Civic Center

North Carolina Tar Heels

Postgame Press Conference

Auburn 85, UNC 72

Q. What did Auburn do defensively to make life tough for you guys?

HUBERT DAVIS: I think it was more than just turnovers. From a defensive standpoint, I felt like they were running their offense like they do in shootaround. They just didn't feel us defensively at all. There was no presence for us defensively.

We had spurts, but nothing sustained on the defensive end. One of the things I always talk to the team about is for us to be good, we have to live and dwell in the trenches. What's in the trenches are the lose balls, rebounds, setting screens, getting through screens, those toughness plays. Auburn won all of them the entire game.

They were better than us.

Q. The assertiveness they played with, did you see the aggressiveness you need to play with?

HUBERT DAVIS: I've said before early in the season we've had spurts of that, but the next step for us is to start there and to stay there for a full 40 minutes.

It's also nice to have a guy like Broome. I mean, he's just the best player on the floor and it wasn't even close. There's a reason why he's first-team All-American. He has a chance to be national Player of the Year.

Things looked slow to him. He just wasn't rushed. He was patient. Whether we doubled, whether he was by himself, whether he was running the floor, he just... He's in full demand of his game. He does so many things for this team. He generates shots for other guys. He can score. He can shoot from three. Draw around a basketball. Draw fouls. He's good defensively, can protect the paint. He's an excellent passer as well.

He dominated this entire game. He was the best player on the floor. I don't think it was even close.

Q. There was a stretch in the second half, Auburn misses a free throw, they keep it alive, get three consecutive offensive rebounds, ends in a three, you call a timeout right after that. What were you saying to those guys and what specifically about that sequence did you not like?

HUBERT DAVIS: It's the same thing about the trenches. I've said that it has nothing to do about physical size. It does with the size of one's heart. We have to be able to rebound the basketball. We have to be able to get those loose balls. We have to play with composure in situations and in games like this.

I just felt like we lost our way, didn't do the things that we normally do out there on the floor.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you, coach.

HUBERT DAVIS: Thank you.

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