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November 26, 2024

TJ Otzelberger

Lahaina, Hawaii, USA

Lahaina Civic Center

Iowa State Cyclones

Postgame Press Conference

Iowa State 89, Dayton 84

T.J. OTZELBERGER: Really good Dayton team. Much respect to Coach Grant and his program. We knew it was going to be a hard-fought competitive game. We were fortunate in the second half to get some key stops and continue making free throws down the stretch.

Just enough to come out with a win.

Q. Obviously two physical games for you guys in two days. This one, too, coming down to the wire. What does that say about the composure and how impressed were you the guys were able to pull it together?

T.J. OTZELBERGER: Yeah, impressed with our togetherness. Really good team win. I thought everybody that got in contributed. Really tough team, hard-fought battles. Like you said, it's a great field, and you've got to be ready every game.

Q. Speak to Keshon. Obviously he was so huge for you in the second half. How have you seen him continue to grow and evolve as a player?

T.J. OTZELBERGER: Yeah, he's an absolute warrior. He's an ultimate competitor, tremendous worker, character guy. Really proud of him. He puts the work in, and it showed up for him here today.

Q. I think you guys scored on 11 straight possessions at some point in the second half. What was going on at that point?

T.J. OTZELBERGER: I think we were doing a good job sharing the ball. Our front court guys have some skills, so we were able to utilize them away from the basket, open up the paint, get downhill and get to the basket and get to the foul line.

That's when our team is at its best, when we're attacking the paint and the free throws and the points in the paint in the second half speak to that.

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