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November 22, 2024

Angel Yin

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Angel Yin. Let's cut to the chase. What just happened before we go into the rest of your round where were you able to clarify something that happened on No, 4 if you would like to speak about it.

ANGEL YIN: Can you ask the question? Sorry.

Q. If you would like to clarify just what happened after the round.

ANGEL YIN: Just the whole entire thing what just happened?

Q. Yeah.

ANGEL YIN: So the rules official pulled me aside to go review footage of my drop and my shot on 4th hole, second shot going into the water.

They wanted to ask me about the process of the drop and if I used all my resources to be able to come to a determination of where I crossed and how I took my drop.

Then so we talked it through. We even brought Narin and Justin in, everybody from the group. I think there was some misunderstanding -- oh, actually it wasn't misunderstanding because it was just footage and someone had interpretations of it.

We had to clarify it because everybody is trying to do their best and I don't really think it's anything with anyone. I think everybody is trying to hold up integrity and the rules of golf because be bad if we cheat, so we don't want that.

And anyway, we talked it through. It was all good.

Q. Cool.

ANGEL YIN: I don't know what else. That was pretty much all of it.

Q. So what did it look like you did and then what did you really do?

ANGEL YIN: Okay, yeah, that's a better way. It looked like I took an improper drop where I went up closer than I should have, where I should have dropped further back, not clarifying -- they didn't clarify where they thought I should have dropped.

But anyway, they thought I didn't take the drop properly. I explained to them that I believe I did take the drop properly. I asked everybody, everybody was in agreement of it. I told them how I hit the shot, where it flew, and that's where I came to the determination of where I dropped.

And they brought up -- can I talk about the marshal?

Q. Yeah, I mean.

ANGEL YIN: So they asked me if I asked the marshal and I said that we talked to each other about the drop and the marshal never came up and said, that's the wrong drop. So he never said that to me nor my competitors.

With that, I believe my drop was right. Justin and Narin was in agreement of it and that was it.

What was the other question? I don't remember.

Q. That was it. Other than that, great round out there. To be able to end the way you did to be on top of the leaderboard just take me through what this day was like for you.

ANGEL YIN: It was really tough. Got tougher in the end. It was just, you know, explaining and telling the story again. Wasn't anything.

But course is playing really tough because it was windy out there, it was cold, so everything was drying out. Wasn't getting a lot of grip. Then putts were really going fast and I kind of tumbled in.

I didn't lose any more strokes than one so that was really good going into tomorrow.

Q. You mentioned there is no sunlight when you got back. Did you plan on practicing a little bit after your round?

ANGEL YIN: I did. I try because I've been pulling my shots. Showed up on 4 when I went in the water two days in a row.

So I kind of wanted to help fix that a little bit coming over the top, and I was hoping to hit a few balls. But, it's okay. There is no more sunlight.

Q. Just when you have something like that happen late, how do you reset and refocus and get yourself ready to go, build your lead even higher tomorrow?

ANGEL YIN: Just keep doing what I've been doing. I'm feeling pretty okay because everybody is just trying to help out. Honestly at the end of the day we can all say they're doing it for our best interest.

There are so many people that watch Golf Channel; good thing. So we got a lot of eyeballs and a lot of people have a lot of opinions. If they think something is questionable they bring it to my attention and talk it out.

Then like Sue said, the best ally is LPGA rules official and with Golf Channel, because we can say to everybody who questions it if they were to question it if we did the right thing, and we did do the right thing.

All in all Golf Channel is looking out for me, so is the rules officials.

Q. Just about your round today, you buried some long putts out there. What's been working with your putter this week or what have you seen on the greens that's let you capitalize on those birdie opportunities?

ANGEL YIN: Well, what's been working is Michelle, who is my caddie, who can read the greens. She's walking away because she's getting shy. I've always had a really tough time reading greens here, even though I've been living in Florida for 2018.

It's just really rough for me because I grew up in California and it's poa and bent and all that stuff. So these greens are always rough, and with her help I've been able to get a few lines in.

I don't really miss the putts too far, but that inch or centimeter makes the putt drop.

Q. Was what happened on 4 something you wanted to clarify with the official since they didn't approach you about it before you went to scoring?

ANGEL YIN: No. So they brought me in because Golf Channel had questions along with the rules official of ultimately -- because after they reviewed the footage; the footage was later.

I didn't have anything I wanted to clarify because I believe I did all the steps of the rules of golf to make my drop and make the decision. I'm a big scaredy cat so I always like to go by the rules.

I didn't think there was anything I needed to clarify because I believed I did everything I needed to do to make the determination of where to drop.

Q. You're the only player who has started the day in the top 10 that shot under par today. What does that say about you managing the really difficult conditions in the afternoon?

ANGEL YIN: I think I have a really loud crowd that's always cheering me on. Even if I feel down they're going to pick me up. That's always very good. Grateful for that.

And then that I'm playing good too. Even though I'm not hitting it the best I want to, I was hitting it better three weeks ago. But if I can play well like this and if I hit it any a little bit better it's going to be better.

Anyway, ends that I'm playing good.

Q. For the record can you take us through after you went in the hazard after what happened after the drop, like where did your next shot go?

ANGEL YIN: Yes. So I tell me stories long so everyone is going to have to listen.

Q. We're here for it.

ANGEL YIN: Okay. I never talked this much before. Never had this much attention. So I hit my shot. I'm really disappointed because it literally was a copy of yesterday's, but felt like a little bit worse.

But I look up as the ball was landing and I see where it went in. To me, it landed at the bush. Reviewing the footage now it landed upper -- like higher up in the bush. So that means I crossed even more in my opinion.

I thought I just landed in the bush over the water if anybody looks at the footage. Sorry. That was really weird.

So we walk up, and I wanted to look for my golf ball. That's why I went up there, because it was a new golf ball. Really wanted my golf ball. I thought if I could go and pick up my golf ball I just changed a hole ago, I can use it again.

It was windy so the water was really murky. I realized, you know what, I don't think I'm going to find it unless I go in the water. So I start walking back. The rules official, as I was walking back, comes simultaneously and says, hey, your ball went in here.

I was like no, no, no. I don't need to look for it because I can't find it. It's fine. So he walks away. I turn around and I walked over to Michelle, which is 15 or so yards or maybe like, I don't know. I walked over back, and then Narin comes over and she was like -- because she thought I was going to drop up front where I was looking for my golf ball.

I said, no, I'm just trying to look for my golf ball. Gosh. She goes, okay. I said, I think I crossed here. She goes, oh, okay. Then Justin comes over because Narin is Korean and he wanted to help her out if there was misunderstanding and language issues.

So he comes over and I say, I think we crossed over here. He goes oh, yeah, yeah, that's good. And so -- okay.

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