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November 22, 2024

Narin An

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Narin after her second round at the CME Group Tour Championship. Just talk a little bit about how it went out there today for you.

NARIN AN: Today was a lot of wind than yesterday, so was like little harder, harder play.

So I was keep try myself just focus shot by shot. So, yeah, was tough day.

Q. Do you think the wind kept you patient out there?

NARIN AN: Just a little bit on like front nine was more windier, so I feel like a little bit.

Q. And how much on these types of days do you rely on your caddie to help you out with some of the decision making and shot shaping?

NARIN AN: Actually, he and me, the opinion was quite a like similar, so that's why making more like easy, yeah.

Q. Was there any holes out there as well that you felt like the wind really came into play compared to yesterday, affected the hole and how you played it?

NARIN AN: So much different as yesterday. Yesterday was like few holes little long. Like hit hybrids few holes in it par-4.

But still today also I hit, yeah, few shots with hybrid in the par-4. Like even par-5, like driver, 3-wood, and then like 7, 8-irons. So, yeah, that was tough.

Q. And to walk away with an even par round after a day like today, are you proud of that with how much you had to grind?

NARIN AN: I mean, I think good to come back, good comeback in the like back nine. So I think just like keep going last two days, yeah.

Q. I know there is a lot of golf left to be played. I know you're a couple shots back. How do you keep yourself in check and keep your emotions in check knowing you're trying to make up a deficit?

NARIN AN: I think I just think about like shot by shot what should I do like at the time, and then nothing I think.

Q. Obviously played good yesterday. Does it tell you more about how strong you're playing when you're on a difficult day and you manage to shoot an even-par score when things aren't maybe going your way?

NARIN AN: Yeah, I think so. That makes more like easy to going up, so I had more confidence right now, so, yeah, I think so.

Q. What's been the key to your confidence shift?

NARIN AN: Just like miss like two ways -- not miss two ways, and keep my putter more stable, yeah.

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