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November 22, 2024

Hye-Jin Choi

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Hye-Jin after her second round here CME Group Tour Championship. Bogey-free round. What was working so well for you today?

HYE-JIN CHOI: I feel really well. I mean, yesterday I was a little bit like not really great shot, but I had really good putt yesterday.

Today was shot was really good and putting was, yeah, so better than yesterday. So that's why I play really well.

Yeah, bogey-free round. Yeah, it's good.

Q. Only one bogey through the first two rounds. How are you able to navigate this golf course and not put with yourself in those bogey situations?

HYE-JIN CHOI: I mean, this course, greens are really tough, around green is really tough. I try more make the green, so that's why I did like little bogey. It was good, so I try keep it like -- try to get, yeah, the green.

Q. What will you take away from these first two rounds heading into the weekend?

HYE-JIN CHOI: These two days was really played good and I felt really well. So keep trying, like keep it to this weekend and then, yeah, take some rest. Should be good, yeah.

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