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November 22, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Ronni after the second round of the CME Group Tour Championship. Bogey-free today. Talk about how your game felt out there.

RUONING YIN: I wasn't happy about my putting yesterday, so I spent a little bit of time with my coach after the round. Today I feel much better. Still bogey-free round; nothing can complain about it.

Today was tough, too, super windy out there, and I gave myself a lot of chances. I think I am really patient out there. Thumbs up.

Q. Thumbs up. How would you rate this round?

RUONING YIN: I would give 8 out of 10.

Q. Nice. I think you birdied like three of the last five holes or something like that, six holes.


Q. Talk about the wind coming down that stretch, too.

RUONING YIN: I think Dave, my caddie, he did a really good job today. We did a yardage (indiscernible) grid and I think that gave me confidence that I can execute my shot.

So we just doing good job out there.

Q. And you mentioned about your putting yesterday. Was there anything specific about your putting or just wasn't feeling quite right?

RUONING YIN: Wasn't felt right and I think I couldn't match the line and the speed. So I did a little bit of speed drill and start line yesterday, so today was much, much better.

Q. And how have you enjoyed being back at CME Group Tour Championship?

RUONING YIN: It's really cool. I know I always see Sarah out there at the 18 hole. I haven't seen her for a long time, so it's really good to see her.

And really good to play -- this is the biggest tournament of the year, so it's also my last one, so I'm super excited.

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