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November 22, 2024

Nelly Korda

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club


Q. I'm here with Nelly. This is my first-ever interview, and this is awesome. I'm nervous, but I'm glad it's her.

NELLY KORDA: I'm so honored.

Q. I think I'm more honored. So couple questions about today. Obviously even par yesterday; 6-under today. I got to watch every one of those beautiful shots. What is it that you found (Wind interference.)

NELLY KORDA: I just hit it a little better. Made a few more putts. I went to the range for probably 30 minutes after my round and tried to find a different feel than what I had yesterday.

I mean, I may have hit, I don't know, 14 or 15 greens yesterday, but I just was not striking it in the middle of the face. I don't think I hit one in the middle of the face yesterday.

So I really wanted to get a good feel before going to sleep yesterday, and I did a little bit. I wasn't pleased with a couple of my shots, but overall I think I battled back pretty hard.

Q. You definitely battled back, making an eagle on the third hole. That was awesome.


Q. I called it. Kind of. I said you had a great angle into that green, and knowing her, she's going to get one close. I didn't know it was going to be that close. What were you feeling before the shot and obviously after it went in?

NELLY KORDA: I did that for you.

Q. I knew it. I knew you had to get one in for Jess last year.

NELLY KORDA: Yes, exactly.

Q. And needed to get one in for me.

NELLY KORDA: But the hole-in-one I had to save for Jess; the eagle for you.

Q. So the eagle, just a little bit worse, but just right there.

NELLY KORDA: Still good. No, I was in the rough. I didn't hit my shot too good off the tee. Had to hit a little controlled 8-iron in and landed soft, perfect, and I just saw it go in as a putt.

Good way to start my round for sure.

Q. Yeah, that was awesome. Last but not least, obviously the fans here, I'm getting so many Greyson snuggles. That's amazing, because I don't get them from my daughter right now. I've been obviously following along with him. How nice is it to have him specifically out here? Because I feel like babies, they just put everything into perspective.

NELLY KORDA: Oh, yeah, it's definitely nice to come off the golf course and not think about golf. You just kind of disconnect from your world. It's nice to recharge your batteries while being at a golf tournament.

So having my family out here, having my people that I can just be myself with, relax, and go out and have a good time, it's really, really nice.

Q. Awesome. So obviously I wish you all the best for the rest of the weekend.

NELLY KORDA: Thank you.

Q. Nelly, making a move up the leaderboard today. After the opening round of 62, 66 today. How would you compare those two days?

NELLY KORDA: Well, definitely a couple more putts dropped today. Actually found the center of the club face, which is nice.

Yeah, it's crazy. Golf is just crazy. You go from playing so well last week to not being able to find the center of the club face yesterday. Always humbles you, but what's that you love so much about it.

Went to the range after my round yesterday. Tried to find a different feel. Felt a little better out there today, and hopefully I can keep progressing.

Q. We saw you make a beeline straight for the range yesterday. What did you find?

NELLY KORDA: I just needed a feel, a thought, one simple thought in my head. That's what I found towards the end of the session.

It took a while. I'm not going to lie. There were a couple one-handed finishes. I'm grateful to have the people around me to help me through these times.

Q. What's that thought you found?

NELLY KORDA: Just a little bit more hinge on the backswing, maybe a little shorter.

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