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November 22, 2024

Charley Hull

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, joined now by Charley Hull after her second round at the CME Group Tour Championship. Take us through the day today. Obviously a big front and a little quieter back.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I felt like I played pretty good out there today. I was less tired than I was yesterday. I felt a bit drained yesterday. I got here on Monday and I had to do some testing with TaylorMade, my sponsor, played nine holes, played Tuesday and then played the 18-hole pro-am Wednesday. I only play 18 holes before an event, so I was a little bit tired.

I felt like I played pretty well today. Got off to a fast start. I think I made six birdies on my front nine and then made -- I think I made a birdie coming in. Yeah, I was pretty happy with that. It got quite windy on the back nine, so felt like I played pretty solid.

Q. Winner here in 2016. What is it about this course that brings out some of your strengths?

CHARLEY HULL: I love it because it's the last one of the season, so I'm all happy playing the golf course just making loads of birdies. No, I really like it here. It's good, fun golf course.

Q. Any bets this week with the boyfriend?

CHARLEY HULL: No, he just said make six birdies today and I did that on the front nine, so I was like, ha.

Q. Any more days on the vacation?

CHARLEY HULL: Not this week, no.

Q. Have you thought about what you might splurge on if you were to win $4 million?

CHARLEY HULL: I wouldn't really do nothing different. Just carry on the way I am. Yeah, I'm happy the way I am, so just put it in the bank.

Q. Is there anything that you bought the first time you won this event that you remember?

CHARLEY HULL: No, but I remember just buying loads of my friends drinks because we went out on the Monday night when we got home.

Q. Which part of your game are you most pleased with right now?

CHARLEY HULL: I feel like it's all pretty solid at the minute. Yeah, just feel like I am in a good headspace as well, so feel pretty good.

Q. What kind of mental reset do you have to do to turn it around like you did today?

CHARLEY HULL: Just go out there and just enjoy it. Yesterday was actually the first time I've been on the golf course in ages, and I just wanted to get in. I just felt so tired out there and I didn't really enjoy it being out there.

Today I had a good night sleep. Yesterday just chilled all afternoon, went into the gym this morning at 5:30 and was a fresh day. Yeah, felt good.

Q. For you, I know you like to play aggressive. Do you feel like you can be aggressive on this golf course?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, 100%. It's a very, very scorable golf courses. You can go at the pins and the greens aren't at fast as last week and not as bouncy, so you pretty much can tackle the pins.

Q. When you get off to three birdies in a row to start, what's going through your mind? I know you want to make more.


Q. How do you keep yourself going?

CHARLEY HULL: After three birdies you're thinking, oh, can I make 18 birdies there? Then I par'd the next hole. No, I made loads of birdies. Good confidence and played my way back into the tournament for the weekend.

Q. How do you build going into the weekend?

CHARLEY HULL: Same as usual really. Go out there and make loads of birdies.

Q. As one of the fastest players on Tour, how different is it playing in a twosome for you?

CHARLEY HULL: It's a lot nicer. I much prefer it. It's more fun and I think it's way better for the crowds. Yeah, I like playing two balls.

Q. Commissioner said they're going to put together a committee for slow play. Another player told me you should chair the committee.

CHARLEY HULL: Listen, I am on of the people that I don't really like to go on committees, have too much involvement. I'll say my piece, but I'm not really the brains behind that all. I just kind of like doing any own thing.

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