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November 22, 2024

Nelly Korda

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Nelly Korda. Obviously some improvements on the day today. I know you went to the range yesterday. What was the feel you were searching for?

NELLY KORDA: Just one simple thought honestly. I just couldn't find the center of the club face yesterday and there was something going on with my backswing that I couldn't really figure out, couldn't get a feel for.

Obviously when it gets a little windy it's harder, it sways you around a little bit more. So on top of that, it was just harder to find something out there. So thankfully I have a great group of people around me and found a simple feel to go into today.

Hopefully I can keep progressing with that.

Q. A bunch of birdies on the card including starting off with that eagle. What was the take on the shot there?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, didn't hit my driver too great. I was in the rough on the right and had a really good angle in actually and rolled in like a putt. Landed soft -- I hit controlled 8, landed soft, and rolled in.

I actually burned the edge on my first and second hole, so it was nice to see that one go in.

Q. What kind of mental reset do you have to have put yourself into to come back from -- I mean, you shot even yesterday; it wasn't bad -- but to get yourself back where you can shoot a 6-under?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think I just also needed to just go and stay in, too. You know, having the pro-am parties and then the Rolex dinner on top of that, I haven't had any time to rest. Obviously super grateful for that and Terry and everyone coming out here and supporting us.

But it's nice to kind of have a day where you can reset mentally. Had that. Ate dinner in bed. That was great. Just kind of knew I had an early morning round and the winds are going to be a little bit stronger out here, and really tried to focus on that one single thought.

Q. I think everybody was excited to watch that superstar pairing of you and Lexi out there. How much fun was it to play alongside her in -- well, it's her last LPGA Tour specific event of her last full season.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I enjoy playing with Lexi. I enjoy her pace of play, too. We had a lot of fun. And she played really well coming down the stretch as well. It's nice to see everyone coming out and supporting her.

Wishing her the best of luck in her next chapter, but it's been so much fun getting to know her out here as well.

Q. Another player was out there today with Sophia Popov.


Q. You said a little bit before we got on about what she's meant to you in your career. Talk about what that felt like to have her out there?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I love Soph. We roomed together for the first time since the Symetra/Epson days in Cincinnati not too long ago. Having Maya there too was so nice. I love babies now.

But, yeah, she kind of took me under her wing in the early days of Tour life, and I'm just so grateful for her, having an automatic friend out there.

It's just so much fun being around her. We get each other. Yeah, it's nice when she gets along with sister because she's kind of in the same stages of life with her. But I feel like I'm the little sister as well.

Q. What was the one swing thought?

NELLY KORDA: Just a little bit more hinge on the backswing, and then trying to shorten up my swing a little bit. I always work on that, though.

Q. Do you have that thought over every shot?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, correct. Yeah, I get kind of like slung open and then when I swing my face open, then I just don't hinge properly.

So going straight back, which in a sense is like a closing club face on the way back, and then just hinging puts me in a good spot on the top.

Q. You had a big smile about having dinner in bed.


Q. How often are you able to have room service? How important is that to you to have those nights?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, my type of personality, I definitely like to step away and just recharge my batteries. But I have the best people around me this week. Just everyone, hanging out with them and going to dinner recharges my batteries.

That's why I love these events so much. I do get to go to dinner. We laugh a lot. We talk about anything, and on top of that, I get to recharge my batteries after a longer day out here.

Q. Is the neck bothering you at all? Are you like 100%?

NELLY KORDA: It's getting better every day, yeah. Doing a lot of rehab still with Kim, strengthening. That's how I start out my day. Kimberly knocks on my door in the morning and we start the rehab sessions.

Then come out here.

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