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November 15, 2024

Mi Hyang Lee

Belleair, Florida, USA

Pelican Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Mi Hyang Lee after her second round at Pelican Golf Club. Another solid round and now you're at the top of the leaderboard. Tell me about your game today.

MI HYANG LEE: Okay, it was little hard starting, a little bit struggling start my front nine. I mean, actually it's great comeback last five holes, so I really look forward to playing tomorrow as well.

But I think I got what was my problem the golf course, so I want to just trying to little fix it right after the round. My putter was a little -- I think that's last step for me today.

I hit just like nine greens but still 25 putt, so still I made like six birdies, so that's really improve to me. Yeah, I'm look forward to playing tomorrow.

Q. What were some of the hardest parts of the golf course, of this golf course?

MI HYANG LEE: I think have to make the green first, and have to a lot of make more chance to get a birdie.

Because greens are really hard and tricky, so if I am more than I think 15 or 18 feet, then I think no chance to me to make the putt. So trying to make little closer and closer.

Q. I know we talked about this a little yesterday and you said you're trying not to think about it, but as the week goes on, will you start thinking more about CME? And how do you maybe try to stop thinking about it?

MI HYANG LEE: No. I think on the golf course I'm just trying to do my best and trying more hit the green, you know. So I was a little more stress about my golf today, so I never think of the CME.

Hopefully I can make it, but I will try to do my best for sure. Yeah.

Q. Did you ever imagine seeing your name on the top of the leaderboard here coming into this week? How great does that feel to see you're at the top right now?

MI HYANG LEE: But I never played well in golf course so I really happy to I'm the leader now. We have two more days, then another two more days of golf is coming, so hopefully -- and my goal is more better and better every day.

So hopefully more better tomorrow.

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