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April 1, 2004

Eleni Daniilidou


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You hit that beautiful backhand cross-court winner to win that first game in the first set. Did that sort of relax you or...?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: Yeah, I didn't start so well today. I mean, I didn't move so good in the beginning. But this shot for sure give me confidence. I mean, was very -- from both sides, Serena and me in the beginning , let's say in the first set, we did a lot of mistakes. It was very tough with the wind today. It was changing also, the side with the wind. It was pretty tough to really focus and really concentrate and really hit in the middle of the racquet the ball. We had some frames, some easy mistakes. It was pretty tough. It was very close, the first set. The second was one bad call from the umpire, but, I mean, it's hard court. You cannot do anything. After is win 5-2, I came back pumped again, 5-4. She played just too good.

Q. You were very successful on breakpoints against her. That's not easy to do.

ELENI DANIILIDOU: She serves unbelievable. I mean, today I think it was also the key that she won the match. She was serving unbelievable. I couldn't really even see where she was serving. Was pretty tough from one side, she did four aces. And, I mean, she took two, three games just because of the serve. It was pretty tough really to hit the return, especially from this side that was with here the wind. When she serves pretty hard, with the wind, it's just too tough.

Q. Once you got past the slow start, are you pleased with how you played from there on?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: I mean, I tried really to move more. In the second set we played better tennis, this was clear. Less unforced errors from both sides. But I'm pretty happy here in Miami, I mean, to play. Honest, I'm really looking forward to coming back next year.

Q. I don't know if you were asked about your whole tournament. How do you feel about it?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: It was a great tournament. Honest, I had a great time here in Miami. I really tried to enjoy also today the match. I did. I mean, I was smiling, I was just try really to fight and every point to give 100 percent. Serena today, she was just serving too good. I was really, since the first ball after her serve, under pressure. I mean, was really tough the second and during the point really to come into the court. I was not so much into the court. But it's normal because she was hitting pretty hard.

Q. Were you nervous in the beginning of the match?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: No, no, not at all. I mean, is not the first time that we play each other. But as I said yesterday also in the interview I really respect her. She's a great athlete, and I will just try to do my best today.

Q. You talked about her being a great athlete. Is she, do you think, the best athlete in the women's game?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: I mean, as she was No. 1 in the world. It's normal now with the injuries, pretty tough to come back on that level again. I mean, as I said before, she's really great athlete.

Q. What do you think about the level - besides her serve, which she pulled off big serves at the right times - but the rest of her game? When you played her before, the scores have not been as close as they were today. Do you think that's because she's not where she is, or you improved your game?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: I improve my game. I'm moving better. I'm more positive in the court, more aggressive. But from her side, it's normal that she's doing some easy mistakes. Because this is coming with the confidence, first of all, plus with a few matches. She didn't play so, so many matches. I think is really come back in the same rhythm that she was, it's very tough again to be there.

Q. You broke her twice when she was serving for the set in both sets.

ELENI DANIILIDOU: Normally, I return good, but honest, today was pretty hard with the wind. I couldn't -- I hit a lot of frames also, and not really in the middle of the racquet the ball. But I had fun, and I really -- I gave my best.

Q. What kind of reaction are you getting in Greece from your performance in this tournament, back home?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: Honest, I don't have so much contact because I was just really focus. I think everyone, they're really happy there, of course. The thing is I'm not going home now, I go to Amelia and Charleston. I'm just waiting to see all my family and all my friends when I go back.

Q. Which will be in...?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: After Charleston. We have the Fed Cup in Greece. Our (category?) Is in Greece. It's unbelievable. It's great to play there before the Olympics especially.

Q. A warm-up, a test for the Olympics?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: It's more or less like a test event. But I'm very exciting to play there for Fed Cup, first of all, and after to play the Olympics.

Q. Have you hit at the facility before?


Q. First time?

ELENI DANIILIDOU: First time. I heard is great facilities.

End of FastScripts….

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