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October 31, 2024

Linn Grant

Omitama, Ibaraki, Japan

Taihelyo Club Minori Course

TV - RD 1

Q. Excellent round; 6-under par; 66; starting on 10 today; 5-under par through eight holes. Fast start part of the strategy?

LINN GRANT: I guess it was part of the strategy. Luckily I reached all the par-5s almost on the back nine. Felt very confident going out on 10 knowing there was a lot of birdie opportunities. Made it easy and I got something good going.

Q. I know you play well all over the world, but you were third here a couple years ago. I am assuming it's a golf course you love.

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I do. I really like the simplicity of it. I know when I'm out here the fairways are really, narrow it but makes me hit my driver even better.

Feeling like I have an easy strategy that I can really commit to makes it ways easier for me.

Q. You took a month off before tied 12th last week in Malaysia; finishing that week well. Was it nice to get away from golf in a long season?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I think I took at least a week off where I didn't even look at my club, which was very nice. I just felt like it's been very busy, so it's nice to get back to actually working on my swing and my shots and feeling like I was getting better at golf and not just maintaining whatever I've been having this season.

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