October 26, 2024
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. Here with Emily after her hole in one today in the third round of the Maybank Championship. Just describe the shot, what it looked like hitting it, the reaction, everything like that.
EMILY KRISTINE PETERSEN: Yeah, obviously it's a wedge, so I hit it -- I actually pulled it a little bit but then it was on the line and I knew it was going to be a good distance. It was like the perfect 55 for me, and then, yeah, I think it bounced one and went in. I couldn't see it from down there.
Obviously up around the green people were clapping.
Q. And how many hole-in-ones have you had before?
EMILY KRISTINE PETERSEN: This is number five.
Q. In tournaments or overall?
EMILY KRISTINE PETERSEN: Three in tournaments.
Q. Yeah. I'm not sure if you're aware, but there is a donation done for every hole-in-one. What's it like to hear that?
EMILY KRISTINE PETERSEN: Think it's very cool. It's still St. Jude's, right?
Q. Yes.
EMILY KRISTINE PETERSEN: Yeah, so I made a hole-in-one last year as with well and I think got this little plate from St. Jude's and it was so fun.
It's like my favorite thing I got last year was that. We make a hole-in-one and it goes to something great. It's just really cool.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
