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October 20, 2024

Rico Hoey

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

TPC Summerlin

Quick Quotes

Q. Rico, birdieing four of your last six, I guess just take us through that stretch there and how big that was.

RICO HOEY: Yeah, didn't really realize that. Yeah, it was great. Yeah, stayed patient. The last two days has been pretty tiring I would say.

I can't complain. I get to play golf. Yeah, the last four holes I just really wanted to push up the leaderboard and glad I did.

Q. Finished runner-up at ISCO; another solid finish here. What does it do for your confidence going into next season, especially when you're able to have a really solid finish on the back nine on Sunday?

RICO HOEY: Yeah, it feels great. My thing is on the weekends I just want to shoot as low as I can. I feel like I'm starting to learn how to do it. It's taken me a little bit.

Especially on a Sunday trying to shoot a low round, and I felt like I did today. Gives me a lot of confidence rolling into next week and hopefully next year as well.

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