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October 19, 2024

Justin Weaver

Chance Keith

West Point, New York, USA

Press Conference

Army 45, East Carolina 28

Q. Justin, congratulations. What was overall the thought going in? What was your defensive strategy? Coach Monken was talking about how tough ECU was going to be.

JUSTIN WEAVER: Strategy for me personally?

Q. Yeah, for the team.

JUSTIN WEAVER: I just do me. Me personally it was just go over everything that we had practiced this week and do it to the best of my ability and when I was called to make plays. That's really how I conduct.

Q. Maybe tell us about your interception in the second quarter. Tell us about the play.

JUSTIN WEAVER: It was really a shout-out it Max because he told me before the play what routes they were about to run. So huge shout-out to him. I don't know. It's just being in the right place at the right time.

Q. Chance, I saw you make some hard tackles out there, especially one in the third quarter. How do you feel about the game? You really were handling them well and in the last fourth quarter they seemed to make some adjustments.

CHANCE KEITH: We came out firing, playing good. We just can't get burned out. Kind of got burned out in the third quarter. A little complacent and started hitting some over the top. So just playing the game how we started, remembering the plan.

Q. Today didn't have any sacks, but was it concentrating on coverage?

CHANCE KEITH: Not specifically, sir. It was just when I did rush, they were getting the ball out quick, and I was in coverage, they got sacked. So it was just a complement of the DBs and the D-line and made my job easier.

Q. To you both. You're 7-0. I know you have a break before you got your rivalry game. How do you feel about what you have accomplished so far this year with this team?

JUSTIN WEAVER: It feels good, but I know we can't stop here. We have to keep this train on the tracks. I guess once tomorrow hits and practice is in session, we're going to have to put it behind us.

CHANCE KEITH: Yes, sir. Just a testament to the work we put in. Once tomorrow hits, we have to throw everything behind us and try to go 1-0 next week against Air Force.

Q. This game, how much did it help you being in the fourth quarter and you get in a little bit of fight --

CHANCE KEITH: It was good, sir. Being able to have the ones and the rotators still in the fourth quarter and to be able to play the whole game, that load on your legs, it's important to have because we have games coming up. People are going to challenge us from the last whistle.

Q. The rotation at corner, a couple of guys are getting in. How has that worked out? It seems like it's worked out pretty well for you guys this season.

JUSTIN WEAVER: Yeah, they did it last year and my freshman year. So obviously Coach D knows how he wants to run it. It's been working, so I see that we're going to keep doing it.

Q. What did you guys learn from today? This is the toughest challenge so far this year, and the third quarter, the fourth quarter it seemed like it changed things up and you played well. What have you taken away from this as a defense? You play a great first half and then a little bit of they scored 20-something points in the second half.

CHANCE KEITH: Can't get bored and complacent. Stay focused the whole time. It doesn't matter if it's 50-0, 7-0, 5-0, you have to stay focused, stay the course the entire time. Got complacent in the third quarter, and that showed when they started marching and scoring.

JUSTIN WEAVER: Yeah. This is college football, so just like we're going to adapt to what they're doing, they're going to adapt to what we are. So knowing that they may switch up the game plan, we can't stay on the high horse of that first half. Just a matter of being humble.

Q. You were just mentioning about the second half and how it was a little struggle there, but tell us about the first half. That was quite an impressive defensive effort.

CHANCE KEITH: Yes, sir. Coach Woody and all the defensive staff, they just put us in position all week to make plays, see what was going to happen before it happens. We were just overly prepared.

Q. Would you would you say this is one of the best efforts you've seen as far as getting pressure on the running backs and the quarterbacks right near the line of scrimmage?

CHANCE KEITH: Yes, sir. Our D-line did a good job getting pushed up front. Once we got to the ball, it was usually a stop right there. They didn't fall for too many yards after contact, so that was good on their part. Yes, sir.

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