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October 18, 2024

Davis Thompson

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

TPC Summerlin

Quick Quotes

Q. Davis, if you can just summarize how difficult it was out there today and being able to still post a good number?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it was tough. I mean, I just tried to take advantage of the par-5s and 15 the short par-4. Was able to do that.

Yeah, it was tough. I mean, I knew it was going to be tough. I just tried to have a good mental attitude about it. And, yeah, just tried to go hit a lot good golf shots and give myself a lot of looks.

Q. First start since the BMW Championship. What's the break been like for you? I guess being out here back in contention and you're right after it, does that give good you extra confidence?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, the break has been great. I needed it. I played 25 events this year. My body was kind of feeling it.

Yeah, past couple weeks got the itch to come play and decided to come out here and play. I played well out here before. Yeah, I mean, I just played a lot leading up to this as opposed to practicing.

I feel like just going out and shooting scores has helped me. Hopefully I can keep it rolling this weekend.

Q. Knowing you already have that top 50 spot locked up from regular season, does it allow you to play freer out here knowing your schedule is set up for next year?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I think so. It's a nice perk, but obviously the goal this fall is to get better and play a few starts and keep my game fresh heading into 2025.

Q. You got your first PGA TOUR win earlier this year at a pretty windy John Deere Classic. That got you to opportunity to go in play in Scotland, The Open as well. How much did those past experiences from just this year alone help you out there today?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, definitely. I played in a lot of tournaments with wind. At home in Sea Island it gets windy, too, so I've got good practice with that.

I mea, the goal when it's windy is hit as many greens as possible and give yourself as many looks and just know that par is going to be a great score. Just try not to press and chase flagsticks. When you do that it can just ride the wind into a short-sided area or a hazard.

Yeah, just staying patient and trying to hit a lot greens.

Q. Davis, how do you mentally strike a balance between what you said right there, knowing that the wind can turn a good shot into a bad shot and not allowing that to tank your confidence and your focus on staying positive and winning the golf tournament?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it affects everybody. Everybody is going to hit good shots that end up in bad results today. You just got to trust it. I mean, yeah, it's just tough to deal with at times. You got to have the mental focus. I knew going into the day if I shot 2-, 3-, 4-under par it would be a great score.

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