October 17, 2024
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
TPC Summerlin
Quick Quotes
Q. Joseph, what were some of the biggest takeaways from the round today, especially given the wind factor out there?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Yeah, I struck the ball really nicely. I hit a lot of really good iron shots. Putted really nicely.
Yeah, mentally I was in a great place. Very happy with the way the day went.
Q. At what point in the round did it feel like the wind was kind of kicking up? Was it more toward the start of the round or was there a point in time where you felt like, okay, we have to grind it out there?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Yeah, definitely as we made the turn the wind got sideways on 9, which then made 10 downwind, and 10 almost felt drivable.
I play here all the time, and when that's the case you know as you turn back in it's going to get really windy coming back.
Yeah, right around the turn it picked up and just kept getting stronger and stronger.
Q. Your comfortability level out here, you live just down the road, out here all the time.
Q. Given the wind today and what's forecasted tomorrow, does it give that you added comfortability level?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Yeah, we're used to practicing and playing in this all the time. It's nothing different or special from a normal day at home would be like for us. So, yeah, I'm excited to get back out there tomorrow and get after it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
