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October 17, 2024

Grace Kim

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Quick Quotes

Q. Grace, first round here at the BMW Ladies Championship. T-5 right now. Take us through the round today.

GRACE KIM: Yeah, just kind of played the way it was -- everyone's in the same boat. Like despite the weather, like it was cooler this morning and then hot. That was quite nice.

Yeah, make sure I hit a lot of fairways and greens, and took advantage of the shorter birdie holes and did that as best as I could.

Q. Second straight year starting at this event. What did you draw upon from last year for this round?

GRACE KIM: All I remember about last year is it was really cold. I wanted to say bloody cold. It was really cold. Obviously may not have finished as best as I wanted to.

Yeah, so I just made sure to just play the conditions as is, and if the putts don't drop in, don't beat yourself up too much about it.

Q. What do you think of this course and how does it bring out some of your strengths?

GRACE KIM: It's quite tough with the way it's playing. Got a few tight points on the fairway and then the greens being pretty big, you've got to make sure you're really accurate off the tees. And if you were to miss the green, just making sure you miss it in the right spots. It can get pretty patchy and sandy around the greens so try not to chip as much. So if anything, you probably want to bump-and-run a few.

Q. A few events away from coming up on Lotte before you defend your title. What are you looking to get out of the fall Asia Swing before heading to Hawai'i?

GRACE KIM: I had a bit of a break this week. I went home to Australia. Saw my coach and took some time off. Because I am playing all of the three Asian events that are left before Hawai'i, I want to make sure I watch my energy levels. Don't wear myself out too much.

I know my game is there. It's just a matter of adapting each week to the conditions and how I'm sitting energy-wise. I guess don't wear myself out too much.

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