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October 15, 2024

Luis Severino

New York, New York, USA

Citi Field

New York Mets

Workout Day Press Conference

Q. What sort of challenge do the Dodgers present lineup-wise?

LUIS SEVERINO: They're here for a reason. They have a good lineup. They showed a lot in the first game, the second game, too. When you've got in the same lineup two or three MVPs, that says so much. They have a good lineup, just need to be prepared for that.

Q. Do you know Walker Buehler at all?


Q. Never really met him, crossed paths?


Q. I know with Ohtani, he's a guy that you tend to pitch carefully. As a whole, Sean did a great job with him yesterday. Much different pitcher than you are, obviously. How do you approach a hitter like that who has had such an amazing year and obviously very difficult person to face?

LUIS SEVERINO: For me, I would go to see how Yu Darvish pitched to him, the recent righty, how they attacked him. Like you say, he's a great hitter. So I have to be careful. But if I can pick my spot, execute my pitches, I think I'll be good.

Q. You can learn a lot from Darvish's outing the other day?

LUIS SEVERINO: Yeah, I can see how he attacked him. Of course Darvish has, like, 10 different pitches. It will be tough, but I can learn something.

Q. You pitched really well at home during the regular season. What is it about Citi Field that makes you thrive here?

LUIS SEVERINO: I have no idea. I didn't even think about the numbers since I saw it, like, a couple weeks ago, I didn't realize I was pitching better at home than on the road.

So, I don't know, I feel like at home I feel more comfortable, you can do all your routine. But there's a lot of stuff that we have here that we don't have on the road.

But there's nothing that I can point. Like I said, it's only for this. So just being home and being in New York.

Q. As the innings have piled up for you this year, is there a single biggest thing that has maybe helped you stay available this late into October?

LUIS SEVERINO: I think staying in my routine, doesn't matter if we're in the playoffs, just sticking to my routine every day, come here like this is the first game of the season. So not worrying about how many innings I got. Just worry about what I need to do to feel good.

I think my arm, right now, feels the same way, feels good. I just need to stick to my routine.

Q. Given how the last few years have gone before this year, is any part of you surprised at how well you've held up physically for so long?

LUIS SEVERINO: I won't say surprised, but I feel happy about myself. Like I said before, a lot of times the Mets have done a good job with me. The trainers, they're unbelievable.

And I think I learned a lot this year how my body -- I'm not the same guy I was five years ago, I understand that I got a bit older. So I need to stick to a routine. And it doesn't matter, if today's a day off, I have to come here, stick to my routine.

So I think just following that and listening to the guys that I have here that have helped me, I think that surprised me a little bit.

Q. You've obviously pitched in a lot of big games over the course of your career. I'm curious what the next 24 hours looks like for you in terms of how you mentally prepare for a moment like tomorrow pitching at home in front of what should be a very excited crowd?

LUIS SEVERINO: For me, just going to go through some videos. Like I said before, see the matches, the past matches, see them take at-bats. And then I'm just going to forget everything, go to my house, probably play a little video games and that will be it, don't worry about tomorrow.

Q. Which game?

LUIS SEVERINO: Call of Duty.

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