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October 13, 2024

Michael Luevano

Shanghai, China

Quick Quotes

Q. How happy are you with the success of the tournament overall?

MICHAEL LUEVANO: I don't think I could be any more pleased, after the challenges that we had mid week, well, mid tournament, I should say, with the rain. The players all seemed to be happy, obviously our seeds are playing through to the optimal level, and we could be looking at history today, which is what the Rolex Shanghai Masters has always been about.

So, we're thrilled, I think the fans are in store for an amazing match, I think we're going to set a record of attendance this year, over 230,000 people, so we're just going upwards and on wards.

Q. What's next for the Rolex Shanghai Masters after this year?

MICHAEL LUEVANO: Yes, you know, it's always, that's a very, that's always the challenge, I think, not just with the Rolex Shanghai Masters, but I think with most successful tournaments, you know, you want to innovate, you want to deliver more.

We do have some ideas, but, like anything, you have to get the basics right. You have to make sure that the players, the stakeholders, are well looked after, and you build the loyalty with them first. The fan experience, we need to improve and always innovate there.

So, I would say, probably by the beginning of 2025, we'll have a very detailed plan moving forward for the future.

Q. This tournament has been a wonderful showcase for both Shanghai, the city, and tennis in China.

MICHAEL LUEVANO: Yes, I mean, our mandate has always been to profile the city. Shanghai is an international sports destination, it is what we have worked since 1998 when we started with the humble Heineken Open at a 250 level, all the way through the tennis Masters Cups, and now onward with the Masters 1000 here at the Rolex Shanghai Masters.

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