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October 12, 2024

Taylor Fritz

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone


6-4, 7-6

Q. Congratulations on your tournament overall. How do you sum it up?

TAYLOR FRITZ: I played really well this week. I think I was, in general, very happy with how I played, like, the majority of the week. I thought that the level was very good. You know, as someone who is pretty critical of everything, I'm pretty critical of my game, no, I'm pretty happy with how I played all week.

I think for the majority of the match today I played pretty well too, just never really came up with what I needed to come up with in a lot of big moments and the big points. He consistently came up with great serves, good shots on the big points, and I played some pretty poor ones in some big moments.

Q. How do you rate your overall performance this week in the tournament, and also the overall experience in Shanghai?

TAYLOR FRITZ: Yeah, it's good. I've never really had a good result here before in the past, so it's nice to, you know, get past the third round for the first time, and make it to the semis. And, you know, I think any time you do well, for me anyways, if I do well at a tournament it gives me a lot of confidence coming back next year that I can play well here and repeat it.

Q. Where do you go from here?

TAYLOR FRITZ: Yeah, I think I'll probably go back home, not a hundred percent sure, but definitely take, I'm not playing next week, so take a little bit of time, and kind of just prepare for the rest of the year. Because, I mean, obviously, for a lot of people, the calendar, it ends in a couple weeks, but for me it kind of, I mean, I'm going to have several weeks after Paris, so I still have quite a bit to go.

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