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October 13, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Ronni after her win here at the Buick LPGA Shanghai. Ronni, just kind of put into words this week, this moment, to win in your home country. How do you feel right now?

RUONING YIN: Pretty amazing and just, like I said, able to win at home in front of all the family and friends, it's just amazing. It's phenomenal to be able to do that. It's a pleasant week.

Q. You dominated this course the last two rounds. What was working so well for you? I know you said your coach was here. He helped you fix some of your problems. What was working so well for you this week?

RUONING YIN: Yeah, so the first day my tee shot wasn't very good. Just I had a call with my coach, Holton Freeman. He's in LA right now. He fixed my tee shot, so I think this course especially I'm feeling good with my iron shots right now.

If I can put my ball on the fairway it's just going to make easier for myself. So I think I just putted really well and my approach shot is pretty good and tee shot is really good.

I pieced everything together.

Q. We saw the crowds this whole week, especially the crowd this last round. Just talk about the fan support you've got here and how great it is to see golf get this crowd in this stage in China especially.

RUONING YIN: It gives me goosebumps when I think about it right now. I mean, all the fans, the energy, it's just phenomenal. I can hear people shouting my name and rooting for me.

I think I'm just really happy that I put on a show and that everybody enjoys it.

Q. You've mentioned numerous times about junior golf here, making an impact for them. How do you hope your win today, what kind of impact do you hope to have on junior golf in China?

RUONING YIN: Well, today reminds me back in 2019. Danielle won in 2019 and I was the low am, so I was standing -- I still remember that day. I was standing beside her and she said, congrats, and said sorry, I smell bad.

And I just felt exactly the say way today. I remember at that point I said to her I said, it's okay, you smell like a champion.

I'm able to do the same thing today, which is really cool. I'm able to see all the kids come out to watch. It just really, really -- I think they inspire me, too. I hope I can inspire them as well.

Q. How does it feel to smell like a champion?

RUONING YIN: Honestly, not very good, because I really smell. But, I mean, won the trophy and able to keep the trophy in China, which is really cool.

Q. How does winning at home compare to winning a major title?

RUONING YIN: I would say -- I'm not answering this question. I would say it's same. I love to win major and I just love to win at home as well. Just all the crowds, all the fans, all my family, words can't express my feelings right now.

Q. And then obviously great start here for the first leg of the fall Asia Swing. What will you take away from this week heading to Korea next week?

RUONING YIN: I mean, from this week I think I solved my big problem which is the tee shot. My iron shot, my iron game and the putting, I think it's quite on spot right now, so I'm really look forward to the next two weeks and the CME.

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