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October 12, 2024

Tomas Machac

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

J. SINNER/ T. Machac

6-4, 7-5

Q. Congratulations on an incredible tournament overall here in Shanghai. How do you sum it up?

TOMAS MACHAC: Oh, it was great, for sure. I'm really happy with my performance every day. I'm not that disappointed today, because I was playing great, and there was just small things for Jannik's side.

But it was really close, I would say a much better match than in Miami, so I can be really proud of me.

Q. How much did you enjoy the atmosphere out there? There was some fun interactions.

TOMAS MACHAC: Yeah, it was good. I was looking forward to this atmosphere, because in Shanghai it's something special. They like me because I play doubles with Z, for sure, and I was playing well here, so the crowd was amazing, so I'm really happy with that.

Q. Where to from here?

TOMAS MACHAC: I don't know right now. I'm planning to go to Almaty, but let's see.

Q. What do you think you've learned about yourself this week?

TOMAS MACHAC: That I can play with the best ones, for sure, so that is what I learned. And there is some improvement, there is something to work on, and I'm really looking forward to that.

Q. Just a comment on Jannik's game.

TOMAS MACHAC: Oh, he's playing unbelievable. So, if you play Alcaraz, Jannik, the best ones, Novak, everybody is playing good, but a little bit different, so to manage to play with them is something challenging, and I'm really happy that I can play against these guys, so really looking forward to next match.

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