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October 13, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club


Q. Ronni, I like the way you spend your weekends in Shanghai. 63 and a 64; 25-under par. Did you ever dream it could be that good?

RUONING YIN: Well, seriously, not really. I think this is my lowest week as well, and it's amazing to be able to win at home.

This tournament really mean a lot to me, and to be able to have this trophy, to keep this trophy in China it's just, I mean, phenomenal.

Q. It certainly is, and watching you was phenomenal. How about the crowd? Was it hard for your mom and dad to catch a glimpse of the action? There was so many people and fans.

RUONING YIN: Yes. Normally I would be looking for my mom. I was searching for her; today I have no clue where she is.

The crowd is amazing and people just shouting my name and rooting for me. I mean, it's a pleasant week.

Q. I think it's more than pleasant, it's absolutely sensational. You have been the first Chinese winner of this tournament, this is a big moment for Chinese golf.

RUONING YIN: Yes, and I really appreciate LPGA to be able to, you know, provide the chance that I can play in this tournament.

And then also Buick. Just I think Buick also have junior program which I've played in. So, just like I said, this tournament really, really means a lot to me and I'm just so happy I'm able to win.

Q. I can tell that your voice is croaky a little bit. There is a lot of emotions packed in there. It's been a wonderful year for you. You're a major champion last year, been world No. 1, to win in China, what's next for Ronni Yin?

RUONING YIN: We'll see. Yeah, let me finish today and then just have fun with my mom and we'll think about it later.

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