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October 13, 2024

Angel Yin

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Angel Yin after the final round here at the Buick LPGA Shanghai. Very, very solid round to end the week. What kind of went into the week?

ANGEL YIN: Just some good golf. Struggled a little bit -- started out good and then in the middle, Friday and Saturday wasn't so good, especially Saturday. So good to end on a good note going to Korea.

Q. Really strong finish. Did you draw anything back from last year's win to maybe help you out a little bit today?

ANGEL YIN: No. I mean, obviously everyone has been talking about defending and then potentially successfully defending, which I was quite close until Saturday's round came about.

I just wanted to go out and play golf and try to finish up high, like a good performance of last year. Yeah, just wanted to play some good golf because I know that Saturday wasn't quite right.

Just wanted to make myself feel better since there is two more tournaments afterwards.

Q. And then building on this momentum heading into Korea, what will you take away from this week?

ANGEL YIN: Some confidence, confidence with putting again. Missed two short putts this week and last week, too. Bit of a confidence downer on that, and so I just need to be confident on my putter again and I think that will be a good way to head.

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