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October 12, 2024

Cade Smith

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Progressive Field

Cleveland Guardians

Postgame 5 Press Conference

Cleveland - 7, Detroit - 3

Q. Cade, coming in in the third inning, what was that like to start off, the relievers coming in and get this win?

CADE SMITH: Yeah. I had an idea that it could be early. We've seen that all series that we were ready to go to the bullpen early, but just kind of really live out the mentality, it's all hands on deck. Just whatever it takes to win the game today, that's what we were prepared for down there, and it could have been anybody. Any one of those guys was ready to go in.

Q. Standing in the dugout 1-1, what's your reaction when you see that ball by Lane Thomas?

CADE SMITH: That was awesome. I mean, so much fun to watch. What a timely hit, and huge for the momentum, too, just to shift things and kind of really feel like we're rolling. And just awesome.

Q. A.J. Hinch talked about how you, Gaddis and Clase have been able to pitch almost every game and still do it at a high level despite them seeing you so on. How were you able to do that and how rare do you think it is you have so many guys that can do that?

CADE SMITH: It does speak, again, to the mentality of all hands on deck. In the bullpen it's whatever it takes. Everyone wants to prepare as best we can for our name to be called at any point, and as far as doing it every day, we have some days in between, it's been a little bit of a different pace.

But, again, like just whatever we can do to prepare and really go out and compete. That's what makes it fun is going out there, competing and playing. And a game like that, it was a blast to be a part of.

Q. Your first playoff experience, Saturday to Saturday, five games. Two elimination games. Where are your emotions at? How do you feel in this experience so far?

CADE SMITH: I'm not taking it for granted at all. This is a special thing to be a part of, for sure, and it has been a ton of fun. Great atmosphere both home and on the road, and now we're going on the road again anticipating the same.

But seeing the group really rally together and not be afraid to compete and fight back, and even if our backs have been up against the wall in the elimination games, just still know that we can do it and get the job done. We just gotta stay within ourselves and play our game.

Q. The blueprint for success in the postseason over the last decade or so has been rooted so many times in bullpens. With your first postseason experience, what have you learned about the mentality of all hands on deck in a series like this?

CADE SMITH: Yeah, I think it's actually kind of living it out and seeing how early it could be in some cases, and understanding that really all that matters at the end of the day is we win the game.

So everything that you do in and around the building is going to be shaped about that, of how can I put myself in the best position to be ready to perform so I can compete and leave everything I have out there on the field for the team and knowing that like I didn't have anything held back, I didn't -- not going to have any regrets walking away from the way that I competed, regardless of how the outcome turns out.

Q. I'm not sure how many times you've faced the Yankees this season, but what is your recollection, and what do you think of that lineup?

CADE SMITH: You know, I think, again, it goes to we have to stay within ourselves. We have to play our game. We have to not be intimidated by a big crowd and sold-out stadium and big names, whatever.

We've played good teams all year. We've competed with them all year. We are a good baseball team. That's why we're here, and it goes to show like at the end of the day it could be one pitch that swings the game. So we have to do our best to keep ourselves in the game, in that position and swinging in our favor.

Q. Cade, you and Herrin pitched in every game in this series. I was just wondering, physically, how do you do that, and how do you feel right now?

CADE SMITH: I feel great right now. This has been so much fun, and, again, we're going to do what we can to prepare tonight, tomorrow, rest up, get our work in tomorrow and be ready to go on Monday and, again, like preparing the way that we can leave everything out on the field and not have any regrets about how that goes.

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