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October 12, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club


Q. Ronni, so impressive once again out there today. 9-under par, 63 in breezy conditions. Bogey-free the last 32 holes. That phone call with your coach, Holton Freeman, a couple nights ago worked wonders for you, because pretty flawless golf.

RUONING YIN: Yes, I really appreciate him to answer any call. I think he solved my big problem.

Today I think it's another solid day, bogey-free. I mean, also tied my best score.

It's a good day, yeah.

Q. Certainly was. There were a handful of pins that were three, four paces from the edge. A couple also perched up on top of ridges. Didn't seem to affect how attacking you were out there.

RUONING YIN: No, not really. Like I said yesterday, my iron shot was really solid and if I can just put a ball on the fairway I will leave myself a lot of birdie chances.

Q. We've spoken about what this event means to you. You're the crowd favorite. Looking around, the amount of young people in the crowd, even just around here right now; 24 Chinese players in the field this week. The future of golf in it country, must excite you?

RUONING YIN: Yes, I just talk to my caddie today on the course. I said it's really good to see all kids come out to watch. Even some kids just maybe don't know much about golf, but just able to see them running around and just come to hang out in the tournament, it just gives me goosebumps.

Q. They loved watching you. We loved watching you. Great playing and all the best tomorrow.

RUONING YIN: Thank you. Appreciate it.

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