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October 12, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Ruoning Yin after her third round here at the Buick LPGA Shanghai. Just phenomenal round from you today. To do it in front of your home crowd, what went into this round today?

RUONING YIN: I think my coach, Holton, really solved my big problem, which is the tee shots, and I was able to hit really good, solid tee shots in the last two days, which means give me a lot of chance to make birdie, to hit my irons.

So it's really solid.

Q. Yeah. Obviously a lot of fan support for you this round, and then we saw at the end you tossing the balls up to the little kids. How great and how awesome is it to see this much support for not only you, but golf in China in general?

RUONING YIN: I just really love to see the kids come out to watch, and especially today there is a bigger crowd and I always hear people rooting my name.

I just really enjoy play at home, and I hope I can keep the momentum going for last day.

Q. Speaking of the last day, Mao overtook you; she's now at 18 under with another hole to play. How excited are you for a chance to battle it out with her for the last day?

RUONING YIN: I think tomorrow I'm playing as a chaser, and I think just I have a little goal for myself every day, and I think if I'm able to complete my goal I'm happy about whatever the result is.

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