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October 11, 2024

Ben Kohles

Ivins, Utah, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Ben, 64; nice round. Get some comments.

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, great day. I mean, yeah, it was not too much different than yesterday. The front nine didn't really blow too much, and then got a couple nice gusts there to start the -- end of the front nine, start of the back nine.

Obviously made it a little more challenging than we were used to not having much wind yesterday, but hitting it really well and rolling it really nice.

So putter feels good my I hand.

Q. Nice stretch 7 through 10. Take us through those four birdies in a row.

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, hit not my best drive on 7 in, but in the fairway and had a 3-wood in. Hit a really good shot there to have an eagle look. Just misread it a little bit.

And then, yeah, nice shot onto 8. Hit it pretty close.

9 hit a really good wedge shot in there pretty close.

Same with 10.

Yeah, pretty stress-free. Nice to see those go in.

Q. Through two rounds, what's been the key to your excellent play and being here as a new golf course as well?

BEN KOHLES: Like everyone, we're trying to learn the course as best we can. I played nine and nine on Tuesday and Wednesday. Yeah, the course is great. Obviously it's pretty wide open off the tee. Just kind of got to commit to some lines and swing away.

Fairways are pretty generous and the greens are pretty receptive. I think that's why you're seeing some pretty low scores.

See what this weekend has in store. Looks similar condition, maybe firm up just a bit. I expect there will be some good scoring these next two days as well.

Q. Speaking of the weekend, how excited are you for these next two days?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, I mean, you know, we're extremely excited. This is where I want to be and put yourself in this position. I obviously had a solid week last week, which was nice just to kind of put four -- had an okay round on Saturday; kind of bounced back, but had three really solid rounds.

So just building off that. Looking forward to the weekend.

Q. Numbers 51 through 6 is big on everyone's mind. Is that something you're thinking of in terms of the FedExCup fall?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, I mean, not really. That's obviously the goal, to try to finish in those ten spots. You know, going to need a really good week. Hopefully this week can take care of it. I still need to play really well the whole fall to move up that far.

So, yeah, I'm happy with how the season has turned out. Looking to keep building off it. Keep playing well into the weekend.

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