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October 11, 2024

Jay Don Blake

Ivins, Utah, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Jay Don, obviously you wanted to the week to last longer. How would you describe the experience?

JAY DON BLAKE: You know, it was a great experience. You know, we've talked quite a bit about the scenario, how it all happened, to be in my hometown, the 500th PGA TOUR start going to be the end of my PGA TOUR career. I don't think I need to get 501.

Had a lot of crazy emotions all the time. I mean, the first tee shot was pretty nerve-wracking. I mean, even continuing on, I never really felt totally comfortable.

I just wanted to do so well. Then I didn't want to hit really bad shots. I just played so conservative. You know, the golf was just another thing really.

The playing and being able to participate in the 500th event is just a crazy dream story. I mean, I gave up on trying to get 500 about 10, 12 years ago.

All the emotions have been like a whirlwind everywhere. Most of it's been a joy and I really had a good time.

Q. If it's possible to identify a takeaway from a week like this, what would it be?

JAY DON BLAKE: You know, just take away the long career, the hard work, my dedication, what family and friends have done to support me the whole time to keep me going.

I just take a lot of accomplishment, a lot of enjoyable times. I've been a lot of places, done a lot of stuff, had a great roll of playing golf. I enjoy every part of it.

There is a lot I can take away. There was a lot of negative I used to think about, but it's turning all positive now.

Q. I loved the full circle aspect of you having that Bullseye that you used as a kid in your bag. How was the putting this week?

JAY DON BLAKE: When I used it in the practice rounds and playing with buddies and stuff, I mean, if they were here, the guys I played with, they would say exceptional.

But I didn't putt very good this week. You know, my anxiety, my nerves, I guess my old age nerves wasn't holding up.

I was a little shaky on some of the putts. I didn't have the right speeds. Can't blame it on the putter it was more me. The putter is still a great putter. The puttee had a tough time.

Q. We've talked about the support you've had here. Last couple days all these people in the Blake's Birdie shirts following you around, even now a big crowd watching you, what does that mean to you?

JAY DON BLAKE: Well, that's all the emotions, where they come out. I mean they're all right behind you and facing me, so that support that I've got, you know, I mean, you can't take that for granted.

To see them show the support, walked every hole, no matter if I made a birdie or a triple they're cheering for me. So that's the support and love they give to me, and it's just I wouldn't have it any other way.

Q. You were already a Utah legend. This just puts an exclamation mark on it. Is it just absolutely stunning, Jay Don, what you have done.

JAY DON BLAKE: Well, thank you. You know, you look at it and think of the number, and when I decided to not really push that hard to try to get to that point. I think I was okay about it.

But then once the reality, you know, possibilities of it happening, I'm like, this would be a pretty cool milestone to get to. The scenario the way it turned out, what's all happened out here the last couple days or pretty much all week long is just a blessing of great friends, great family, and a great career. (Applause.)

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