October 11, 2024
Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
Le Golf National
Quick Quotes
Q. A contrast to yesterday with your dropped shots on your opening holes, and out of the blocks four birdies in your first six?
EWEN FERGUSON: I don't know why but I feel sometimes you start and a little bit rusty. I've not started that well the last few weeks I've played. I know that I kind of find my game as the round goes on. It was good, better, this afternoon. Played better than I scored today probably. But a bogey can come at any point. Keep that in mind over the weekend and keep trying to do what I'm doing.
Q. What does that say about your development as a player where a couple years ago, a start like that might have affected you?
EWEN FERGUSON: Yeah, definitely, a couple years ago, I played well a lot of times but I definitely was a lot more inconsistent and missed a lot of cut. You get a bit older, don't you, and you see guys doing it every week. Played with Alex today and he birdied the last three holes to just sniff the cut. It just takes one little couple shots here or there and change your round, you can chip-in, hole an eagle putt. You're never too far away and just try to keep kind of calm.
Got a new caddie starting next week, Jason bomber. I've got His mate, Buzz on the bag this week. Taking me over and keeping me calm and having a bit of a laugh with him.
Q. End of the season, you must be pleased with how you're playing?
EWEN FERGUSON: Yeah, playing fine. Just trying to get something going for the last -- got a couple weeks off coming up soon and the last couple events are obviously big. PGA TOUR cards up for grabs. The Team Cup is kind of in the horizon, as well. I may have a word with Justin tomorrow or tonight if I see him.
Q. How helpful is it when you get a chance to speak to Justin at events like these and you can lean on that kind of experience if you do need to bend his ear for a moment or two?
EWEN FERGUSON: Yeah, obviously I know Justin a bit now. I've spent quite a bit of time with him in his company. Had a few good times with him. He's so easy to talk to. He's so nice. He's not got like -- he's like a superstar that's very, very approachable, which is quite nice to have and know, and we've got a few mutual friends as well, so it's quite nice to have that in common. Looking forward to hopefully playing under him.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
