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October 10, 2024

Tomas Machac

Shanghai, China

Press Conference

T. MACHAC/C. Alcaraz

7-6, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: First of all, congrats, Tomas. This is your first ATP Masters 1000 semi-final after beating Carlos Alcaraz tonight. Such a high-level battle, and you are the winner, how would you summarize the difference that made you have the victory tonight?

TOMAS MACHAC: Well, thank you so much for the kind words. What is the key? I was playing unbelievable from the beginning until the end.

The first set was just, the tiebreak, 7-4, so it was like really close, one point, maybe two points, so it was really close.

In the second set I started to play even better, from the beginning I was a break up, but it was getting really tight. Carlos was trying to play a little bit more aggressive, also much tougher, but I manage to make even the better effort in the end of the set, so I'm really happy with that.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. We just heard from Carlos just now, and he said it was unbelievable how you played. He couldn't, he said he didn't know what to do, at points. I just wonder, how did you get yourself into that zone, how did you prepare yourself to face Alcaraz tonight to produce that performance?

TOMAS MACHAC: Well, I was playing this kind of tennis even with Tommy Paul, second set and the third set, so I was playing unbelievable even there. So, I was just trying to continue in this way, and it happened from the beginning of the match, so that was the key, for sure, and my strategy tonight.

I know that against Alcaraz I have to play this level to have a chance to win, so I just try to a little bit slow the ball, but I just was looking other way, because he made the winner. So there was only one way, and I manage to make it until the end, so I'm really happy with that.

Q. It seemed like you were really fearless in that match. Were you nervous beforehand, and perhaps you could just speak about how you get that mentality.

TOMAS MACHAC: Well, of course you are nervous. If you will not be nervous in such a match against this kind of player, it's not possible. So, I was a little bit nervous, but I was really happy with that. I'm trying to see and try to learn every match what I did wrong, what I did good. So, I try to learn from match against him on the Davis Cup, I was playing great level also there, but I just try to do something different, and it happened, and I'm really happy with that.

What I did? I was just trying to play this level, and take a little bit more time and try to not think about anything. And the body was playing on my behalf, so I just try to be in the zone as long as possible, so happy with it.

Q. A follow-up to that question, speaking of that Davis Cup, was there any sense of unfinished business, because you retired through that, in that match through injury.

TOMAS MACHAC: Well, I was really disappointed with how it happened in Davis Cup, because the match was unbelievable. Even I could lose in three sets, I don't know, maybe there was a chance to win or not, I don't know, but I was not happy that the match did not finish as it deserved.

So I was looking for the revenge, for sure, and I just tried to enjoy the match, enjoy the quarterfinal against one of the best right now. So, even when I lost my serve on 3-All in the second set, I was not even upset because I knew that I did not do anything wrong, and just try to play my game. And I deserve it more, maybe, I don't know, but I'm really happy with my mindset today, for sure.

Q. This year in China do you feel you're recognize by and supported by even more Chinese fans because you partnered with our player?

TOMAS MACHAC: Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, because I really enjoy to be here, and I really enjoy to play doubles with Zhang Zhizhen. So, it was great atmosphere on the court when we play doubles, and I hear some fans to call him, even on the singles, so I'm really enjoying that, and I'm really happy that I can be partner with him. So, happy with the crowd, too, to cheer for me here.

Q. Looking ahead to the semi-final, you're playing Jannik Sinner. Sinner described him and Carlos as fire and ice, like very different players, so how will you sort of approach that match, will you approach that match differently with the different styles?

TOMAS MACHAC: Well, I try to play this level, and let's see what's going to happen. But, of course, I will enjoy the match. I will be playing right now against the No. 1 in the world, he's playing unbelievable tennis, especially on hard court. It's the best tennis what I saw today, for sure, with Medvedev, he was playing unbelievable. But I'm really looking forward to the challenge, so I will enjoy it.

Q. After the match you write a nice word on the camera. I just want to know, from your side, what kind of people is Zhang Zhizhen, what's his personality?

TOMAS MACHAC: Sorry, one more time. What is the question.

Q. What's his personality off the court?

TOMAS MACHAC: Zhang? Yeah, yeah, he's my friend. We played, we played final in Grodzisk Mazowiecki two years back against each other, and we were actually starting a relationship. From beginning of the tournament we play some practice, we just talk on the dinner, outside of the courts. It was funny, because we played final, and he didn't have the coach there, so he asked me if it's possible to warm up together before the final, there wasn't any hitting partners or nobody. So, I said for sure, we going to hit. We play final, and we were practicing after that in the US Open.

So, it's good that we have this kind of relationship, and it was also our, like, idea to play doubles together. We get in Australian Open this year, we made semi-finals, so the relationship couldn't be better. He's a great guy, and I'm really happy to have this kind of player on the tour, and for sure we will play more doubles together.

Q. Your countryman Jakub will play Novak Djokovic tomorrow night. Firstly, will you give him any advice before that match, and secondly, will you watch the match?

TOMAS MACHAC: To give any advice to play against Novak, I don't have any advice (laughing). So, you know, he's a legend, he's a current player, one of the best players.

I just make some jokes today with my coach, because I just made second time quarterfinal, and I saw that he made 95 quarterfinals, 72 finals in 1000s and 36 titles in 1000s, so I think there is nothing to say more, because this is, for me, trying to be in this level to play against this kind of player is great, but what he achieved is, I don't know what to say.

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