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October 11, 2024

Minjee Lee

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Minjee Lee after her second round at the Buick LPGA Shanghai. Just what went into the round today?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, I was a little up and down on the front nine. Made two bogeys and two birdies so I turned even, and had five birdies on the back and finish with a nice long putt to finish my day. So good back nine to finish round two.

Q. T13 finish here last year. Obviously off to a great start this year. Is there something about this course that brings out your strengths?

MINJEE LEE: I think my game has just been improving little by little throughout the whole year. I played one week in my sponsor's event couple weeks ago and I just had a good result there, so just trying to ride the momentum.

I also enjoy playing this golf course as well, so I think a bit of both.

Q. And then obviously going into next week, defending your title at the BMW Ladies Championship. Is there something about playing in Asia that brings out the best of your game as well?

MINJEE LEE: I just like playing in Asia. A lot of my family come out to watch and I have a nice fan support group here as well.

Just makes me feel more at home. Obviously I enjoy playing everywhere, but Asia, it's close to my heritage and just nice to be here.

Q. What will be the mindset heading into the weekend?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I have just been trying to play pretty aggressive. The greens have been quite soft compared to last year, so I think depending on the conditions or if there is wind or if the green speed gets a little bit quicker, I think I can still play pretty aggressive and just try and attack the pins when I can and try and give myself good looks at birdies.

Obviously be aggressive on the par-5s, because you can reach a couple of them in two.

So, yeah, pretty much I think my game plan is to do everything in my control obviously and just play aggressive and have fun.

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