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October 11, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Ronni, excellent round out there today. 66 in benign conditions. Certainly appeared to us like it was probably the worst score you could have shot.

RUONING YIN: Yeah, this morning was pretty quiet and then the green was smooth and fresh. I was able to make a couple putts on the front nine, but back nine I would say I play some really quality golf today and just didn't make it on the back nine.

Q. I was chatting to your performance coach Craig Dixon last night. There is a lot of attention to detail to analyzing every one of your rounds. How do the analytics help you play more freely under the pump?

RUONING YIN: The key thing today for me was the tee shot. I was having a little online session with my coach, Holton Freeman back in LA. I said, hey, mate, do you have 15 minutes for me?

We solve my driver, so today I was able to play more freely I would say. It's really good.

Q. You're a rock star here in China. Five majors on the LPGA Tour. Does this feel like a sixth for you?

RUONING YIN: Well, this year the sixth major definitely is the Olympics up this week also is a big one for me. Especially Shanghai is my hometown as well and I definitely want to play my best out here.

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