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October 10, 2024

Mike Weir

Ivins, Utah, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. 68; how does it feel?

MIKE WEIR: It feels good to end like that, but I was a little disappointed with the back nine. Obviously played tough with the wind out here. But I putted so well on the front nine, just missed some short ones on the front nine, but nice to finish like that.

Q. Did the wind make the difference on the back?

MIKE WEIR: I think so, yeah, the wind, and the back nine is tougher. It has some demanding holes, and I just found myself in some tough spots. 11 I drove it in the rough and you're a little bit off when you miss that fairway, and then 12, hit a pretty good shot into the green when the wind started picking up and I was right on a spine where it was going to break about three directions, and I three-putted that, and then had some good looks and couldn't buy one. I made one on the last, so that was good.

Q. Champions Tour player, but you said earlier that you thought this course set up well for your game.

MIKE WEIR: Well, tomorrow morning we'll get fresher greens in the morning and maybe without the wind (indiscernible) but it was playing tough. If I can just get some momentum going again early tomorrow morning, I'm going to have to shoot a good 6-, 7-, 8-under to climb back in this thing, so I can do that tomorrow hopefully.

Q. What was it like just playing? Was it kind of refreshing to just worry about yourself today?

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, it was for sure. Turn the page on the Presidents Cup. It's a great experience but now just get back to my game. Got a nice stretch, four out of five weeks I'm playing, try to get my game back into the shape for this final stretch of the year.

Q. What impact do you think having a PGA TOUR event in Utah will have on this state?

MIKE WEIR: I think it just goes to show that it's a big golf state. I think with the young kids that watch, they watch the Zac Blairs and Pat Fishburns and all the young BYU kids that are out here and you're inspiring the next generation. I saw a bunch of them out here, a bunch of young kids out here. It's great for golf in this state. When this is all done here, it's going to be pretty phenomenal with all the golf courses they're going to build, and it's going to be pretty incredible down here.

Q. Kind of an interesting convergence to have the NHL have a team here --

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, we've got a hockey team now, state is growing. Now we've got the PGA TOUR, NFL next hopefully or Major League Baseball hopefully. It's great.

Q. Will the Hockey Club be your team now or --

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, I'm a die-hard Red Wings guy, so that's going to be tough. When they come in town, I think Mark's 24th is when the Red Wings are here, so we'll see what jersey I'm wearing to that game.

Q. How about Jay Don's 500th. You're going to fall just short of that it looks like, but what does that say about a guy's career to reach that milestone?

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, amazing. Great that he got the start here, Jay Don. I remember when I first got on TOUR in the late '90s, Jay Don was great to play practice rounds with and just talk to about life on the TOUR. Him and Dick Zokol and some of the guys out here that I palled around him with learn the ropes, so to speak, and Jay Don was one of those guys.

Q. Your game is built on the wedges a lot of times, and it seemed like you were putting yourself in position to rely on your wedge game. Tell me about that.

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, I did. I hit some great wedges out there today on the front nine, and even on 10 hit a nice one there, hit a good one on 14. I did hit some nice wedges and had some good looks coming in. 16 I hit a great 6-iron in there to about 12 feet and missed that one, and 17 was just a shame. Just such a beautiful shot, straight downwind, that should take that little skip forward and be maybe a tap-in as good as that looked. It was drawing right in there, and it spins off the front and I make a 4. That was a wedge, and that was a nice shot but just didn't turn out well.

The strategy was good. Just got to convert all the way through 18. I converted well through nine. Hopefully I can do it through 18 holes tomorrow.

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