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October 10, 2024

Henrik Norlander

Ivins, Utah, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. 14 fairways, 18 greens in regulation today, a career best on the PGA TOUR, 62. Excellent start. If we can get some comments.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, I just felt pretty good this morning. I like this place. It's easy to stay here and walk down to breakfast and get out on the range.

Yeah, got off to a good start, hit it close on 10, and then 11 is sort of a long hole, especially in the morning. Hit a good second shot, good two-putt, and then I hit it close about three holes in a row and made all those putts, and I was off and running.

Q. Iron play was spectacular. Talk about what else was working well.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, I hit every fairway and every green, so I must have driven it pretty good. But I felt like Smylie and I, my caddie, had a good game plan. We hit quite a bit of 3-woods and just sort of -- if you don't chase it too much out of here, I think it's really wide and the ball goes far, and I like hitting that low 3-wood. It runs pretty good here.

Q. You came into the week on good form, as well. Talk a little bit about your play of late.

HENRIK NORLANDER: All year has been pretty solid. I think I've missed four cuts. I think this may be my 16th or 17th start of the year. It's sort of been nice. Early in the year I didn't get in much, spent a lot of time with the wife and kids, which has been really good. The last few years I played 32, 33 events every year. Sort of nice not to have been playing every week and actually being excited going to a tournament, being ready, and try to keep it going.

Q. So many courses we see over and over again. What's the key when you are playing a new golf course?

HENRIK NORLANDER: I mean, I feel like in the past I've looked into too much which course I like and fit my eye. I think everybody out on this TOUR when they play well, every course is going to be fine for them, and vice versa. No matter if you have the toe hooks, it doesn't really matter how good the course suits you.

I really like it here. It's a fun course, a lot of opportunities, but you've got to hit good shots because the greens are somewhat severe, and you've got to get it in the right portions to play well.

Q. 131 in the FedExCup Fall. I know that Top 125 is a big number. Are you focusing on that right now or just playing golf?

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, it's always there. I'd be lying if I didn't think about it. But I really tried all year to do a better job of hitting one shot at a time. I know it's boring, but I feel like I'm getting better at it, and I need to keep getting better at it.

Yeah, I'm not thinking too much.

Q. I know you talked about it some last week in Jackson, but any damage or everybody safe from --

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, everyone is safe. I was hit pretty bad by Hurricane Helene. We were lucky we had no damage, but it's devastating to see the city. It's just trees everywhere. It's going to take a long time. Hopefully by Christmas it's picked up.

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