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October 10, 2024

Ben Kohles

Ivins, Utah, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. 6-under today, highlighted by a hole-in-one. Talk about the hole-in-one on 17.

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, great number. Like I said, my caddie kind of put it out there. He was like, you know what, we haven't made a hole-in-one yet this year, right before I hit. Yeah, it was good. The couple guys I played with went before me, so seeing how their balls were reacting was helpful. Yeah, it seemed to be a perfect number, and clearly it was.

Q. First hole-in-one this year, first on TOUR. What number is this in your life?

BEN KOHLES: I think it's No. 9. I had three last year, two in tournaments on Korn Ferry. Yeah, I think it might have been my fourth in competition now, three on the Korn Ferry, one out here. Yeah, they're always nice trying to add to it.

Q. Going off early in the morning, what were you seeing out there?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, it's funny, obviously we're at a little bit of altitude. The ball usually goes a little bit shorter when it's a little cooler out, but obviously with altitude it seemed like they were going pretty standard stock numbers back at sea level. Didn't really have to make too many adjustments. Then you're kind of just trying to figure it out as you go along.

Like I said, the greens are pretty receptive in the morning, and yeah, fairways are very generous. If you're hitting it good off the tee, you can put yourself in a lot of good spots.

Q. Will there be an adjustment for tomorrow's round, playing in the afternoon?

BEN KOHLES: Yeah, not really. Just the altitude adjustment; the ball will be going further, probably be bouncing further. Yeah, it's probably as long as it's going to play this morning with just the fairways maybe being a little bit softer than they could get later in the week. But yeah, like you said, it's just kind of an adjustment that we'll take into consideration and try to do the best we can with it.

Q. Last week at Sanderson, you stuck around for the playoff. Did you miss your flight or --

BEN KOHLES: No, I had a flight early Monday. Yeah, obviously pulling hard for Keith there.

But yeah, that's just golf. It happens sometimes. He gave it a great run at the start and just maybe a little too much on it. But he obviously played great all week, so I'm sure he's going to be able to build a lot off that.

Q. Are you finding ways to celebrate a hole-in-one here in Utah?

BEN KOHLES: Not really. I'm just going to keep doing the same thing. I'll let some other people back home celebrate a little bit more for me.

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