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October 10, 2024

Yannik Paul

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. After what you can describe as a tricky middle of the season, looked like you're really find something form and you brought that into the first round here?

YANNIK PAUL: Yeah, I just had a lot of -- I felt like ever since, really, BMW International Open in Munich, I feel like since then I've been hitting it well, but for some reason didn't score well at all.

And then yeah, I had a bit of form at The Scottish Open. Played well there. Was close to a really good result there, and then just didn't play well at The Open.

But now it's been -- I've been playing well for a while but at the beginning after the summer break, I had just libeling all of a sudden, one eight on a par 4 and missing the cut by one. Felt like I was never really far off. But just had some weird stuff. Hit the pin, it's rolling off and all of the sudden making an eight from nowhere.

Now it's been going nicely. Maybe it's my fiancée. She got here four weeks ago, and it's the fourth event I've been playing really, really well. All credits to her.

I've been playing nicely. It's nice to get some form and get some results. Also started with a mental coach four weeks ago and since then he's helped me a lot. It's nice to see some good results.

Q. When you come to a course like this, having a strong mentality is really key, isn't it?

YANNIK PAUL: Absolutely. I was really surprised that we actually teed off on time today. Got a lot of rain, so hats off to the green keeping team. The course looked really good for the amount of rain that we got.

So yeah, I like this course here. It's probably my favourite course in Europe. Played well here in the past. Yeah, it's nice to get off to a good start.

Q. When you're going around with someone in the same group, does that pull you along?

YANNIK PAUL: Yeah, David had a rough finish, but other than that he played well as well. Lev is a great young talent. I think he goes to the academy here, and yeah, he played really well today.

So it's obviously good vibes only when you have a good group and everyone is playing well.

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