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October 9, 2024

David Goffin

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

D. GOFFIN/A. Zverev

6-4, 7-5

Q. Congratulations. How long since you've played such a high level of tennis, do you think?

DAVID GOFFIN: I don't know, but this win means a lot. With such a great level, great match, happy with the way I played. Of course, it was a great feeling, I was just playing better and better in the tournament, but I didn't expect to be that offensive, that relaxed on that court.

Of course I had nothing to lose, but Sascha is always tough to play, he's serving well, and then he's really solid, especially with the backhand.

At the end I started to hit the ball really well and to play fast and to be aggressive, to come at the net. So, I really enjoyed that match, and the way I played was just super positive for the future, and it's great, it means a lot.

Q. Can you talk about how kind of, you seemed very emotional after the win, how emotional was that at this stage of your career and of your life, I guess?

DAVID GOFFIN: It's really special because, of course, few months ago I was like, Okay, do I just continue like that, or just do I make big effort, do I go back to work physically, technically, mentally with my team. And we just spoke to each other and we said, Okay, let's go. We just don't want to have regrets, we just go for it, and we see where I can go in a year.

All of a sudden, after few weeks, I started to play better, to win matches, good matches, and then win challengers, win matches in, 250, in 500, in 1000, and now to be in a quarterfinal. So it was just better and better week after week, and I felt that I still had the tennis and the level and also the fitness. As soon as I was confident among my body, I felt the tennis was there, but I just have to prove it, and just to show it on the court.

Week after week I started to do it, and I'm really proud of what I did the last few months, proud of my team, proud of my wife and my daughter as well, so I'm a happy man at the moment.

Q. It speaks a lot about your work ethic and your dedication that you sort of went back to challenger level and kind of worked your way back up.

DAVID GOFFIN: Yeah, it was not easy. I just have to, you know, when you played for 15 years in big tournaments, the best tournaments in the world, and you just have to dig deep, and to be humble, and just sometimes, to get some confidence, get some matches in the challenger level. And I was like, Okay, I'm ready to do it, let's do it. And I don't regret that I did, I'm really happy that I did. I won some tough matches there, the level is high as well, and that's what I needed to come back.

Now I won some tough matches on the ATP level, the high level, and this week again in the Masters 1000, so very happy.

Q. Looking ahead to the quarterfinal against Taylor Fritz, how are you going to take this mentality forward to make sure you keep up the fight?

DAVID GOFFIN: I think I haven't played against him for a long time, but he improved a lot. He's such a consistent player. Every week now, for more seasons now, he's winning titles, and he's in top 10 for the moment now. So it's going to be tough, but, you know, it's a quarterfinal, Masters 1000, all the matches are very difficult, so we will see. I just probably will be focused on my tennis and what I have to do, and try to, like today, try to play aggressive, try to hit the ball really well, try to be relaxed, enjoy the match, and we will see if I can play my best tennis to win the match.

Q. We know that you won't be giving away any secrets, but will you be coming into the net, playing more aggressive tennis?

DAVID GOFFIN: We will see. That was the plan today, and if I can do it, it's always good. When I talk to my coach, and I try to stick to the game plan until the end, that's always good. But sometimes you have to adapt your game, and also that's why the best players are the best players, because they adapt their game to the opponent. And we will see, but, of course, I will try to prepare something to come on the court with some good tennis, and good shots and we will see how it goes.

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