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October 10, 2024

Thorbjørn Olesen

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. 65 to start your week here at Le Golf National. Give us an assessment of your day out there?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: Yeah, first of all with all the rain we had yesterday, I think it was 24 hours of constant rain. So it was pretty amazing to get out this morning. I think the course held up amazingly. I'm surprised.

I think I played four holes before today this week. So I'm very happy with a 65 to start with.

Q. Talk us through the start of your back nine, four birdies in a row from 1 to 4. Is that just a gettable part of the course, do you think, at the moment?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: Yeah, I mean, on the first, I holed a really long putt for birdie and then the next three I hit them pretty close. Obviously 3 is a par 5 you can reach. Yeah, with the soft conditions, there's definitely a lot of chances out there. But you know, it's still a tricky course and it still asks a few questions out there. But obviously with the soft conditions, it is a little bit easier.

Q. You call it tricky. You were here for your Ryder Cup debut and 14th at the Olympics and had other good results here. What is it about this course that suits your eye?

THORBJØRN OLESEN: I think all in all it's just a great golf course. I don't think there's one bad golf hole on it. You know, like I said, asking a lot of questions from you. But if you are really on your game, you have a lot of birdie chances, and you saw that, for example, at the Olympics and for the Ryder Cup here, it was really exciting. I think it's just a great golf course, and I really enjoy playing here.

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