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October 9, 2024

Jakub Mensik

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

J. MENSIK/G. Dimitrov

6-3, 3-6, 6-4

Q. Congratulations. How are you feeling, that was an incredible win.

JAKUB MENSIK: Yeah, thanks. Yeah, I feel tired, to be honest. Yeah, it was a very difficult on the mental side, you know, because it was a lot of ups and downs. Grigor plays really well, and it's always, you have to keep fighting for every point. In the decider, when it was 5-3, I was serving, 5-4, you know, coming back to the match, you know, it's always tough to stay focused. So, yeah, I'm really happy that I won, but, yeah, it cost me a lot of energy.

Q. You hit some beautiful backhand winners in that last game. What's your favorite stroke?

JAKUB MENSIK: Backhand down the line (laughing). No, no, no. I mean, of course, yeah, in the last game it was, yeah, I was pretty sure that I can make the shot, you know, so that's why I went there. But, yeah, obviously, you know, I don't have favorite shot, it depends what's on the day is better, you know.

Q. The other strength that you showed in that match particularly, I mean, all through the tournament, was your mental resilience. Where does that come from, do you think?

JAKUB MENSIK: Yeah, of course a lot of experiences, you know, or not a lot of, because I'm first year on the tour, but, yeah, I mean, when I was losing against these guys, you know, I always try to take something positive from the match, so, of course, those experiences. And, of course, I'm working a lot on the mental side with my mental coach, Dragan Vujovic, so we are working together for five years, and, yeah, he was on my team from the really young age, so, I mean, big thanks to him because, yeah, in those situations it's always tough to stay focused, to stay in the match.

But, yeah, I'm really happy that I can be mentally still in the game, even if, you know, I'm not making any match points, set points, or when the score is really tight.

Q. It was a really good day for Czech tennis here in Shanghai. Were you aware that Tomas also had a win today?

JAKUB MENSIK: Yeah, yeah, of course. I was watching him, obviously he was playing before me, you know. Yeah, I mean, like I told you yesterday or two days ago, that for Czech tennis it's really great, and very important that we are coming back on top, you know, not just me and Tomas, but obviously Jiri is also there as well. So it's really great that we are keep, we are pushing each other forward, and that's really great, so, I mean, in the future we can reach big things.

Q. Did you spend any time with Tomas Berdych when he was here earlier in the tournament?

JAKUB MENSIK: Yeah, yeah, of course, of course. He came here to see us, yeah, because he's the Davis Cup captain. Yeah, he wanted to spend some time with us, which is really great. I'm happy that he was here, that we can chat a bit, you know, he can see us in the action, you know, so it's always really great to have him on your side.

Q. Your next match against Novak, what are your thoughts?

JAKUB MENSIK: (Laughing). Well, I don't know. I don't know. I don't want to say anything right now. I mean, I have many thoughts, many, you know, yeah, just, we'll see. We'll see.

Q. Are you excited to play against him?

JAKUB MENSIK: I mean, more than excited, like exciting is really, you know, small word. But, yeah, obviously a dream come true, because of him I started to play tennis or, you know, when I was young and, yeah, starting to play tennis, he was already on the top. You know, so I was like, Wow, he's really good, you know, he made a lot of Grand Slams. And right now when I'm 19 and he's still playing, you know, I have this chance to play against him, and of course when I started to play there was one wish to play against him, you know. So, I'm really happy that it came true and that I can play with him, and, yeah, we'll see which level I am on Friday (laughing).

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