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October 9, 2024

Tomas Machac

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone


3-6, 6-4, 6-3

Q. Congratulations on that win. Tommy Paul was very complimentary at the net after the match, it must have felt very good overall to win that match.

TOMAS MACHAC: Yeah, for sure, because I was playing great tennis, so I know that the level of tennis was one of the highest which I play. It was really nice that he said that, but he's a great player, he's top 15, so I have to play this level to beat him, so it's tough to play against these guys.

Q. It's shaping up to be a good tournament for Czech tennis, we've also got Jakub Mensik in the fourth round at the moment. Do you spur each other along a little bit?

TOMAS MACHAC: Yeah, we have a good team right now, we are going really up. I would say we practice a lot between each other, we try to help each other somehow. So it's good to have this kind of players on the tour, and pushing each other, helping each other, it's great for Czech tennis.

Q. Tomas Berdych was here earlier in the week. Have you had much time with him?

TOMAS MACHAC: Yeah, we spoke because he's the captain of the Davis Cup now, so it's good to have him on the team, he can discuss his career, he can help us, so it's great to speak about him with everything. Yeah, we're looking forward to that and let's see, we have good future.

Q. How do you see your chances against Carlos Alcaraz in the next round?

TOMAS MACHAC: You never know, but I think my chances is there. I'm playing right now great tennis, so let's see. Let's see on schedule if we will play tomorrow, I think it's the day after, so let's see, but I'm going to play good tennis, so looking forward to that.

Q. He specifically mentioned your speed when we asked him about his possibilities against you, so how do you think that that speed can help you win against him?

TOMAS MACHAC: Yeah, he's speedy too, so it will be funny to watch us on the court. We had a good matchup in Davis Cup, unfortunately I couldn't manage to finish that match, but it was great tennis, so hopefully it will be also for the next match.

Q. You had a great result at the Olympics, how much did that sort of inspire the rest of your season?

TOMAS MACHAC: It was quite challenging, There was a lot of matches, I was playing singles, doubles, mixed doubles, so it was a lot. I was a little bit tired after that, but it helps a lot because, for me to reach this kind of goal, it's unbelievable. Before this tournament I hoped that I could be there, but to manage to make the gold medal is unbelievable, so I'm quite happy on my behalf on the season.

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