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October 9, 2024

Carlos Alcaraz

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

C. ALCARAZ/G. Monfils

6-4, 7-5

Q. Carlos, congratulations, another victory here for you, joining on your winning streak. What's pleasing you most about your game at the moment?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, with the freedom that I'm playing with, I feel like I'm not afraid about the mistakes, I'm just trying to keep going all the time, keep trying if I miss it. Most of the time everything goes well, I can't complain at all.

But when I mentioned on the things that are not going as good as I wanted, or I don't feel as good as I want, I just keep trying, and at the end everything is going to be better, so that's what I'm pleased the most with, with my performance lately.

Q. I saw some pictures taken by you guys about playing golf at the player lodge. Is this something new that's set up for players this year?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: No, it's new this year. It was a pretty good idea from the tournament. It is full every day, a lot of players are playing. Myself, I'm a huge fan of golf, also with my team. We are having a lot of laughs, you know, playing mini golf these days, it's something that I enjoy a lot.

We are betting, you know, for the last one, so this is kind of a competition between us, so, yeah, it's great for me. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to play, when I finish everything, I'm going to play with them again, so it's a pretty good idea for the tournament.

Q. It's a pretty good way for the guys to relax, right, after the matches?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Yeah, it's something different, something that we're not used to doing. Of course, here in the tournaments, we spend a lot of hours here without doing anything, just waiting. It's a really good thing to spend your time off, and for the waits, long waits. For example, the rain day, the rain days as well, we could play a little bit if the rain it wasn't too heavy, so that's a very good thing for us.

Q. How do you see your possibilities to have a good result in this tournament after Beijing?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I'm feeling great. Physically, I have not too many problems, so I'm feeling great. I'm playing great tennis lately, so I have a lot of confidence to go farther in this tournament.

Obviously lifting the trophy in Beijing, beating Jannik, beating big guys in Beijing helped me a lot, just to come in here with a lot of confidence, just knowing what I have to do here.

So, right now I'm in quarterfinals, so hopefully keep going and, yeah, I have a lot of confidence to do a really good result here.

Q. What's your opinion of your possible rivals in the next round?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, both are playing great. I play Machac not too long ago, you know, in the Davis Cup, but he wasn't in good shape, I guess, he had to retire. I know he's playing great. He has really great tennis. He's so, so fast as well, so I have to be focused on that.

Tommy Paul, I played many, many times against him, one of them I won it and one of them I lost it, so that means that the type of player that he is. He come from injured, I think, but I've seen some of his matches here and he's playing great, so let's see against him how I'm going to play. I'm going to watch a little bit, and let's see.

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