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October 9, 2024

Jannik Sinner

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

J. SINNER/B. Shelton

6-4, 7-6

Q. Revenge from last year's three-sets loss to same opponent. What does that say about your growth as a player over the past year?

JANNIK SINNER: Obviously we cannot take only one match, no? I think it was a very tough match also today. He had chances in the first, chances in the second. If I don't play well these points, you know, he wins in two sets, because he was serving very, very well.

Happy how I handled this situation, it's obviously a position where I have been last year, and where I am right now, it's different, so I'm happy to be in the position where I am. Yeah, but, of course, you know, the process never stops, we always have to keep working, keep improving. Yeah, that's it.

Q. Fighting into the final eight here made you probably the only player at least into the quarterfinals at all the 14 tournaments you've been playing this year, what does it say about your consistency maybe?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, consistency, being ready every day, trying to accept every challenge I have. They're always going to be very, very tough times on court and you have to be ready mentally trying to go against them, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

Of course that's not easy, making quarters every event, at least, but this is where the tournament becomes the most interesting, no, from quarters ahead, so I'm happy to be here in the final eight and then we'll see.

Q. You played a lot of tennis this year, how are you staying physically and mentally fresh?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, I mean, it's something what I work on, you know. I struggled a lot in the past years being fresh towards the end of the year. Of course, it's a bit different in end of year, but I think my program throughout the whole year has been very, very good.

I worked also a lot off the court, trying to be ready for every match and, yeah, that's it. Of course, every player, we have some ups and downs in the physical part, so it's quite normal.

Q. Is there anything fun you do away from tennis to decompress?

JANNIK SINNER: Well, I don't have so much time off at the moment, but, you know, mostly I try to rest, because trying to get ready then for the next days. But, of course, you know, seeing the city sometimes, or going out for dinner or whatever, you know, which also makes me relax is very important.

Q. Have you had any chance to go around the city here during your stay in Shanghai?

JANNIK SINNER: Well, no, because I had, you know, a tough week in Beijing, and I was going to be tired, so this time I tried to stay a bit more in the room, trying to sleep, getting the recovery up. I watched a little bit, but only from the center of where we have the hotel and that's it.

Q. Just a comment on facing Medvedev next.

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, tough match, of course. We know each other quite well now, we know exactly what to expect, more or less. But, of course, he will change a couple of things, and I will change, and then we'll see what's coming out.

Of course, it's going to be a very tough match, physical match, mental match, and also tactical, so let's see what's coming.

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